
Installation of PyMdown.


Pymdown is built on top of a few requirements. If installing, the requirements will be installed automatically.


In order for PyMdown to work, there are a couple of prerequisites.

Name Required Details
Python Markdown 2.6.0+ Yes Python Markdown must be installed as it is the Markdown parser that is being used.
PyMdown Extensions Yes Extensions for PyMdown.
PyYaml 3.10+ Yes Older versions may work, but I am arbitrarily specifying 3.10 as the earliest I am aware of that works.
Pygments 2.0.1+ (optional) No If Pygments Syntax highlighting is desired, Pygments must be installed. This can be omitted, and code blocks (if using the CodeHilite extension) will be formatter for use with JavaScript code highlighters.
PyMdown Styles No Optional package that adds a couple of custom Pygments styles. This is not required, but is a great example if you want to create your own style package.
PyMdown Lexers No Optional package that adds a couple of non-standard lexers, but nothing of substantial interest. This is a great example for adding your own custom lexers.


You can download PyMdown and run it as a script bundle. To install, run python build and python install. You should be able to access PyMdown from the command line via pymdown or pymdownX.X where X.X is your python version. PyMdown on the first run will unpack user files to ~\.PyMdown on Windows, ~/.PyMdown on OSX and ~/.config/PyMdown on Linux.

If you would like to modify the code, you install it via: pip install --editable .. This method will allow you to instantly see your changes without reinstalling. If you want to do this in a virtual machine, you can.