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User Guide


In order to use ThemeTweaker, you must set up your desired commands. Commands can be for the command palette, keymaps, menu etc. ThemeTweaker comes with an example keymap file to show how commands are constructed.

The default steps, hues, or intensities (depending on the command), are defined in the settings file. These can be changed if desired.

When tweaking a scheme, the scheme file (plus overrides in Sublime Text builds 3150+) will be consolidated and copied into User/ThemeTweaker with the scheme name and the prefix tweak_. In Sublime Text 3150+, scheme files will be of the type .sublime-color-scheme, while earlier builds will use the file type of .tmTheme.

Filter Commands



Adjust the brightness of theme.


Parameters Type Description
direction string Accepts a string that is either + or - to control whether to go brighter or darker respectively.
step float Controls the brightness magnitude for each step. It is in relation to the center 1.0. So a value of 0.01 would shift it 1.01.
context string You can limit the filter to the background or foreground by setting the argument to either bg or fg respectively.
theme string Theme to adjust. If none, it will use the current set theme.



Adjust the contrast of theme.


Parameters Type Description
direction string Accepts a string that is either + or - to control whether to go brighter or darker respectively.
step float Controls the contrast magnitude for each step. It is in relation to the center 1.0. So a value of 0.01 would shift it 1.01.
context string You can limit the filter to the background or foreground by setting the argument to either bg or fg respectively.
theme string Theme to adjust. If none, it will use the current set theme.



Adjust the brightness of theme.


Parameters Type Description
direction string Accepts a string that is either + or - to control whether to go brighter or darker respectively.
step float Controls the brightness magnitude for each step. It is in relation to the center 1.0. So a value of 0.01 would shift it 1.01.
context string You can limit the filter to the background or foreground by setting the argument to either bg or fg respectively.
theme string Theme to adjust. If none, it will use the current set theme.



Shift the hue of colors in the theme.


Parameters Type Description
direction string Accepts a string that is either + or - to control whether to go brighter or darker respectively.
step integer Accepts an integer which represents a degree between 0 and 360 to shift the hue.
context string You can limit the filter to the background or foreground by setting the argument to either bg or fg respectively.
theme string Theme to adjust. If none, it will use the current set theme.



Applies the given hue to all colors in the theme.


Parameters Type Description
hue integer Accepts a hue value that will be applied to all colors.
context string You can limit the filter to the background or foreground by setting the argument to either bg or fg respectively.
theme string Theme to adjust. If none, it will use the current set theme.



Command will invert all colors of the theme.


Parameters Type Description
context string You can limit the filter to the background or foreground by setting the argument to either bg or fg respectively.
theme string Theme to adjust. If none, it will use the current set theme.



Applies a sepia filer to the theme colors.


Parameters Type Description
context string You can limit the filter to the background or foreground by setting the argument to either bg or fg respectively.
theme string Theme to adjust. If none, it will use the current set theme.


Applies a grayscale filter to the theme colors.


Parameters | Type   | Description
---------- | ------ | -----------
`context`  | string | You can limit the filter to the background or foreground by setting the argument to either `bg` or `fg` respectively.
`theme`    | string | Theme to adjust.  If none, it will use the current set theme.



Apply a glow filter to foreground colors.


Parameters Type Description
intensity float Accepts a floating point glow intensity to determine the strength of the glow. Glow should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
theme string Theme to adjust. If none, it will use the current set theme.

Custom Filter


A command that allows multiple filters to be chained together. It takes a string with special syntax to apply filters. All filters that are available under Filter Commands are configurable. All operations are defined by a single string.

Available Filters:

  • grayscale
  • sepia
  • invert
  • brightness(float)
  • saturation(float)
  • contrast(float)
  • hue(signed integer)
  • colorize(integer)
  • glow(positive float)

To apply a filter to just the foreground or background, simply add @fg or @bg to the filter in question.


    "keys": ["up"],
    "command": "theme_tweaker_custom",
    "context": [
        {"key": "theme_tweaker"}
    "args": {
        "filters": "grayscale@fg;sepia;colorize(0);hue(-30);brightness(1.050000)@bg;saturation(0.900000);brightness(0.950000)"

Special Commands


Undo last applied filter.


Re-apply last reverted filter.


Clears all applied filters.

Toggle Theme Tweaker Mode

This command is available in the command palette as Theme Tweaker: Toggle Tweak Mode.

Toggles the internal theme_tweaker mode flag that can be used as a context for when tweak commands are active. See Constructing Commands for more info.

Constructing Commands

Whether a keymap, command palette, or menu command is desired, the two theme tweaker related required arguments are command which is the name of the commands and args which is a dictionary of the parameters.

    "keys": ["up"],
    "command": "theme_tweaker_brightness",
    "args": {
        "direction": "+"

Theme tweaker can check for the theme_tweaker context to control whether a command is active or not. The theme_tweaker context is toggled with the Toggle Theme Tweaker Mode command.

    "keys": ["up"],
    "command": "theme_tweaker_brightness",
    "context": [
        {"key": "theme_tweaker"}
    "args": {
        "direction": "+"


The following settings are used to control default values for the provided commands.

Brightness Step

Controls the default brightness step. Must be a positive value between 0.0 and 1.0.

    // Default brightness steps (+/- from 1.0) (range: 0.0 - 1.0)
    // Can be overridden in the
    // ThemeTweakerBrightnessCommand command's argument "step"
    "brightness_step": 0.01,

Contrast Step

Controls the default contrast step. Must be a positive value between 0.0 and 1.0.

    // Default contrast steps (+/- from 1.0) (range: 0.0 - 1.0)
    // Can be overridden in the
    // ThemeTweakerContrastCommand command's argument "step"
    "contrast_step": 0.01,

Saturation Step

Controls the default saturation step. Must be a positive value between 0.0 and 1.0.

    // Staturation steps (+/- from 1.0) (range: 0.0 - 1.0)
    // Can be overridden in the
    // ThemeTweakerSaturationCommand command's argument "step"
    "saturation_step": 0.01

Hue Step

Default hue step. Must be an integer from 0 to 360.

    // Hue step in degrees (range 0-360)
    // Can be overridden in the
    // ThemeTweakerHueCommand command's argument "step"
    "hue_step": 10,

Colorize Hue

The default hue for colorization.

    // Default colorize default hue (0=Redish)
    // Can be overridden in the
    // ThemeTweakerColorizeCommand command's argument "hue"
    "colorize_hue": 0,

Glow Intensity

The default for glow intensity. Must be a value from 0.0 to 1.0.

    // Default glow intensity (range: 0.0 - 1.0)
    // Can be overridden in the
    // ThemeTweakerGlowCommand command's argument "intensity"
    "glow_intensity": 0.1,

Last update: April 2, 2021
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