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  • NEW: Update supported Python versions to Python 3.8 - 3.12.
  • NEW: Use coloraide to handle color parsing.
  • NEW: Add --hdiapi option to the serve command to explicitly define an absolute path to the hidapi library.
  • FIX: Vendor hid and provide fixes for loading the libraries on Windows with Python 3.8+.


  • NEW: Deprecate the timer argument --type in favor of --cmd which corresponds to how it is stored in the scheduler.


  • FIX: Better scheduler algorithm. Handles lapse in time (computer sleeping), more efficient, etc.


  • NEW: Add timer command.
  • NEW: Add --cancel option to scheduler command that cancels timers in the scheduler. --clear will not remove timers, only traditional scheduled events.
  • FIX: Better day rollover logic.
  • FIX: LED resolution from CLI.


  • NEW: Schedule should not be sent as a file name, but as a JSON object.


  • NEW: API for USB library now returns whether it passed or failed. This can indicate a disconnected device.
  • FIX: A command may fail for various reasons, so don't remove a command from schedule just because it fails.
  • FIX: Add logic to reconnect to a device if it appears the device was disconnected.


  • NEW: --wait removed from CLI as the server should not get hung while waiting. wait is still available when using pyluxa4.usb directly.
  • NEW: Add new scheduler command that allows scheduling command events based on day and time and clearing scheduled events.
  • NEW: Add new get command which can be used to retrieve currently loaded schedules via pyluxa4 get schedule.


  • NEW: Allow traffic-light, police, rainbow, and random<1 - 5> as valid values on CLI along with numerical values.
  • NEW: Allow short, long, overlapping-short, and overlapping-long as valid values on CLI along with numerical values.
  • NEW: Provide more constants with friendly names in common library.
  • FIX: Wave pattern not being sent properly.


  • NEW: Initial release

Last update: November 16, 2023