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Frequently Asked Questions

Duplicate Colors?

If you are seeing duplicate color previews, it may be because you have an LSP server installed that is injecting its own previews or some other package. While we can't provide an exhaustive list, we've provided a few known examples.

Often, the duplicate colors may have a slightly different style, and when you click them, they will not not open the ColorHelper dialog.


Two such examples are LSP-css and LSP-json.

The solution is to disable either ColorHelper or the color provider for the LSP package. If you are here, you probably enjoy ColorHelper's features and would prefer to disable the LSP package provider. If so, you can do the following.

For LSP-css:

In case it's LSP-css, you can disable the color boxes as follows: Run Preferences: LSP-css Settings from the Command Palette. Then add:

    "disabled_capabilities": {
        "colorProvider": true,

For LSP-json:

In case it's LSP-json, you can disable the color boxes as follows: Run Preferences: LSP-json Settings from the Command Palette. Then add:

    "disabled_capabilities": {
        // the trigger characters are too blunt, we'll specify auto_complete_selector manually
        "completionProvider": {
            "triggerCharacters": true
        "colorProvider": true

There may be other LSP packages. It is assumed the approach would be similar for all of them. Just make sure to check what the default disabled capabilities are and copy them over in addition to adding your own.

Advanced Substation Alpha (ASS)

One package that comes with color previews out of the box is the Advanced Substation Alpha (ASS) package.

You can disable their color previews by modifying it's settings with the following.

Navigate to Preferences -> Package Settings -> Advanced Substation Alpha (ASS) -> Settings. Then add:

    // when to show a color phantom beside a color code?
    // can be "never", "always" or "hover"
    "show_color_phantom": "never",

Hex Uppercase

How do I output hex in uppercase?

Some people prefer hex to all be in uppercase, and some may prefer lowercase. ColorHelper, by default, outputs strings in lowercase. But worry not, as you can change this via the settings. ColorHelper 2 used to have a upper_case_hex option, but ColorHelper 3 is a bit different.

In order to make ColorHelper more flexible than ever, we created a dependency called coloraide which is used to handle all the conversions, CSS string parsing, and CSS string output. This library allows for each color space to define its own string output options. These options are exposed via the settings.

Each configuration for a given file type will specify a "color class". For instance, HTML and CSS use css-level-4 by default.

    "color_rules": [
            "name": "HTML/CSS",
            "base_scopes": [
            "color_class": "css-level-4", // <--- specified color class

If there was a desire to make make any rule that uses css-level-4 output hex in uppercase, the color class configuration options could be overridden in user_color_classes:

    "user_color_classes": {
        "css-level-4": {
            "output": [
                {"space": "srgb", "format": {"hex": true, "upper": true}}, // <--- `upper` forces hex to uppercase
                {"space": "srgb", "format": {"comma": true}},
                {"space": "hsl", "format": {"comma": true}},
                {"space": "hwb", "format": {"comma": false}},
                {"space": "lch", "format": {"comma": false}},
                {"space": "lab", "format": {"comma": false}},
                {"space": "display-p3", "format": {}},
                {"space": "rec2020", "format": {}},
                {"space": "prophoto-rgb", "format": {}},
                {"space": "a98-rgb", "format": {}},
                {"space": "xyz", "format": {}}

Simply reference the name of the color class you wish to override under user_color_classes, specify the "key" you wish to override (output in our case) and provide your new preferences. Any options that would normally be passed to ColorAide's to_string function can be passed via the format parameter under output. In our case, we want to pass in upper as True.

Last update: June 30, 2023