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  • Fix: Fix title not updating when autocomplete is disabled.


  • Fix: Fix preference window not being able to open.


  • NEW: Add new autocomplete setting to disable/enable autocomplete. Mainly for Linux systems where autocomplete functionality can sometimes work well or not so well depending on the distro.
  • FIX: Fix issue with autocomplete shortcuts not working on every platform.


  • NEW: Drop support for Python 3.7.
  • NEW: Update some dependencies for latest bug fixes and improvements.
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.


  • NEW: Officially support Python 3.11.
  • NEW: Use faust-cchardet as the original cchardet is no longer maintained and does not build on Python 3.11+.
  • NEW: Update required minimum versions for many of our dependencies.
  • NEW: Add ColorAide dependency to manage colors.
  • NEW: More precisely match mac window background colors without wallpaper tinting.
  • FIX: Hide vertical separator on macOS as there is a visual glitch with vertical separators in the latest wxPython and/or wxWidgets.


  • NEW: Officially support Python 3.10.


  • FIX: Pick up latest wcmatch (8.3), bracex (2.2), and backrefs (5.2) to acquire latest related bug fixes related to file search patterns and regular expressions (if using backrefs).
  • FIX: Update internal Markdown and extensions (markdown 3.3.4 and pymdown-extensions 9.0 and M) to ensure latest changes and fixes for UI elements that render Markdown to HTML.
  • FIX: Update to latest chardet (4.0).
  • FIX: When chaining literal and regular expression patterns together, the mode could get stuck in literal mode when applying replacements.


  • FIX: Use latest wcmatch (8.1) which does a better job at bailing out of really large expansions. Patterns like {1..1000000}, while they used to bail according to the set limit, would hang a bit before they do. The whole point of bailing was to avoid hangs (if possible) if the intent was disallow such a large pattern now they assert much quicker.
  • FIX: Fix internal documentation "Home" link. On certain pages, the link could be broken.


  • FIX: Support info won't open.
  • FIX: Small internal code improvements.


  • FIX: Linux regression of date time control color due to recent color fix for macOS in 4.15.1.


  • NEW: Require backrefs 5.0+ which provides significant Unicode improvements and bug fixes when paired with Re. One notable change is that Unicode properties now respect the Unicode Properties flags and Unicode properties will be limited to the ASCII range when not enabled just like Regex does. Also POSIX style patterns have been expanded to handle any Unicode property, POSIX and otherwise. Check out Backrefs' documentation for more information. Also, the deprecated search references (\l, \L, \c, and \C) are no longer available, though you can always use the other forms of [[:lower:]], \p{lower}, etc.
  • NEW: Require new wcmatch 8.0.1+.
  • FIX: Remove old gntp from support info dialog as we no longer use that package.


  • FIX: High Sierra and below don't work the same in regard to colors. Add special logic to skip dynamic color in old macOS versions as they will result in black UI controls.


  • NEW: Formally support Python 3.9.
  • NEW: Formally drop Python 3.5.
  • NEW: Use Apple's Big Sur template for the macOS dock icon.


  • FIX: Our old method of raising macOS windows no longer works. Raise via an osascript call.
  • FIX: Fix internal flag mask issue that would prevent preference for - to negatively filter files from working.


  • NEW: Calculate better looking, alternating list colors instead of relying on wxPython to provide.
  • NEW: Linux now uses the same autocomplete logic in autocomplete combo boxes that Windows and macOS uses. This removes a workaround that required Linux to use different logic. The actual issue has been resolved in wxPython 4.1.
  • FIX: Notifications should work better on Windows.
  • FIX: On some Linux systems, the down key, while one of the autocomplete combo boxes have focus, will cause the cursor to jump to a widget below the current and then process the on_key_up event which is meant to trigger the drop down history of the prior autocomplete combo box.
  • FIX: Latest wxPython changes made escape not close the autocomplete combo boxes.
  • FIX: Different Linux Desktop Environments need different size icons to show up properly in their taskbar, provide an icon bundle to ensure there is always one of appropriate size.
  • FIX: Use wcmatch 7.0 which includes a few bug fixes.


  • NEW: Drop growl notification support.
  • FIX: Replace macOS rocket dock icon and Window's default Python task bar icon with Rummage icon.
  • FIX: On color change, macOS would reset time picker values.


  • NEW: Add new option to use ! instead of - for exclusion patterns. Rummage has always used - due to issues with distinguishing between exclusion patterns (!exclude) and extended globbing exclude patterns (!(exclude_1| exclude 2)). wcmatch 6.1 now resolves this by requiring ( to be escaped if the pattern starts with !( and it is not meant to be an extended glob pattern !(..).
  • NEW: Require wcmatch 6.1 that comes with a number of enhancements and bug fixes.
  • NEW: Proper support for system color changes. Allows proper transitioning on macOS between light and dark mode.
  • FIX: Minor fixes to selection colors in regex tester.
  • FIX: Remove old macOS workaround to force focus on search input.
  • FIX: Officially support Python 3.8.


  • FIX: Internal color fixes.
  • FIX: Fix Rummage crashing with wxPython 4.1.X due to image sizing bug on macOS.
  • FIX: Resolve issue where changelog would not show after an update.


  • NEW: wcmatch the file search library that Rummage uses, is now at version 6 which imposes a pattern limit to protect against patterns such as {1..1000000} which would expand to a large amount of patterns if brace expansion is enabled. Rummage exposes control of this.
  • FIX: By using wcmatch version 6, complex issues involving pattern splitting with | and {,} are resolved.
  • FIX: Fix logo not loading in about dialog.


  • NEW: Pattern save dialog now uses a drop down list so you can easily update an existing saved pattern.
  • FIX: Fix issue with web view rendering and pymdown-extensions.


  • NEW: Require wcmatch 5.1.0+, bracex 1.4.0, and backrefs 1.3.0 to include latest bug fixes.


  • NEW: Supports installing extras via pip install rummage[extras].
  • FIX: Fix for notification sound display in settings dialog.
  • FIX: Fix notification sound not playing on Linux when configured.


  • FIX: Require wcmatch 5.0 and make adjustments to support it.



Backrefs 4.2.0 has deprecated the shorthand references for alphabetic character groups in re search patterns: \l, \L, \c, and \C. Instead you should use: [[:lower:]], [[:^lower:]], [[:upper:]], and [[:^upper:]] respectively. While the references have only been deprecated, and are technically still available, a future version of Backrefs will remove them entirely at some point. It is recommended to transition now so as not to be caught unawares.

  • NEW: Add col0 variable for editor configuration to allow for using a zero based column value instead of one based column value for editors that require it.
  • NEW: Add global option to turn off alternating row colors in lists.
  • NEW: Provide support for different players on Linux: paplay, aplay, and play (sox). Supported sound formats vary.
  • NEW: Provide interface for selecting custom notification sounds.
  • NEW: Require wcmatch 4.3.1+ and backrefs 4.2.0+.
  • FIX: Better attempt to get appropriate file creation time on all Linux systems.
  • FIX: Better fix for time picker getting wrong background.
  • FIX: Ensure column sizing includes header size.
  • FIX: When showing timed status event for results in status bar (full path name), decrease length of time that the temporary status is shown and clear temporary status when the cursor leaves result items.
  • FIX: Don't log handled notification errors when a notification system is not found as these are handled gracefully and there is no need to worry the user.


  • FIX: Notification audio failures should be handled gracefully.
  • FIX: Sometimes abort doesn't work.


  • FIX: Fix issue where time control used a completely different font and font size.


  • FIX: Fix issues with time control not properly inheriting system colors.
  • FIX: Fix time control sizing on Linux.
  • FIX: Fix time control issue on Linux and macOS that prevents decrement button from decrementing past initial value.


  • NEW: Search options and file limit options can be collapsed in the main dialog. This allows hiding these options if you aren't frequently using them, and provides a more compact dialog.
  • NEW: There is no longer an option to hide the file limit options as now you can just collapse them.
  • NEW: Added context menu option to allow reordering of columns in the result lists. Positions are remembered across sessions.
  • FIX: Fix an issue on Linux where tabbing past a hidden directory button would cause an error in GTK. Ensure such controls do not allow focus when they are hidden.
  • FIX: Fix an internal error where the autocomplete box could throw an error due to the index bounds not being checked.
  • FIX: When list controls are smaller than the window, don't resize last column too an excessively big width.
  • FIX: Fix regression with loading replace plugins.
  • FIX: Better initial focus in autocomplete text boxes on platforms that had issues.
  • FIX: Fix some localization issues.


  • NEW: Add Match base search option. Match base affects full path patterns when Full path directory match or Full path file match is enabled. When a full path pattern has no slashes, it will cause the pattern to only match the base file name. This allows you to have traditional base match patterns and more specific full path patterns usage simultaneously. Requires wcmatch 4.0 which is now the minimum requirement.
  • FIX: Ensure settings version is upgraded properly.


  • FIX: Increase performance by reducing number of stat/lstat calls during crawls.


  • NEW: Add the ability to follow symlinks via a new symlink toggle in the limit panel (disabled by default).


  • FIX: Fix some glob related issues by upgrading to the minimum version of wcmatch version 2.1.0.
  • FIX: Require the minimum version of bracex version 1.1.1.


  • FIX: Fix incompatibilities with latest Regex versions.


  • FIX: Require Backrefs 4.0.1 which includes a number of bug fixes, particularly one that sometimes caused Backrefs not to install properly.


  • FIX: Python file encoding detection should default to the Python 3 assumed default, not Python 2.
  • FIX: Consolidate internal HTML logic and avoid using base 64 encoded images if using latest Markdown extensions that include path conversion fix.
  • FIX: Refresh status less to improve on overall speed.
  • FIX: Simplify status: no need to display ACITVE or DONE as button will change back to Search to signify completion along with the display of the Benchmark or even the notification if enabled.
  • FIX: Ensure single file search with no pattern works like multi-file search with no pattern (just return file).
  • FIX: Minor cleanup and performance increase in core.
  • FIX: When search error dialog is shown from the status bar, fix error with window destruction.


  • NEW: Documents are now included locally in installation and can be viewed directly in Rummage via a webview dialog.
  • NEW: License can now be viewed from the application menu.
  • NEW: Show changelog on next launch after upgrade.
  • NEW: Render editor instructions as HTML in the settings dialog.
  • NEW: Simplify regular expression engine selection settings panel.
  • FIX: New about dialog that no longer breaks on Linux.


  • FIX: Adjustments to work with wcmatch version 2.0.0.


  • FIX: Process preview in regular expression test dialog when replace pattern is empty. If replace plugin is enabled, we must have a plugin specified.


  • FIX: Don't open another update notification if one is already open.


  • FIX: Better default input focus on Linux when selecting the search tab.
  • FIX: Properly select "Search for" as the default when chains mode is enabled.


  • NEW: File time result format has been updated for better readability.
  • NEW: International file time result format for modified and created times has been added and can be enabled in the global preferences.
  • NEW: Add ability to hide result columns.
  • FIX: Use wxPython API to highlight alternate rows in lists in order to properly highlight rows on systems with dark themes etc.


  • FIX: Officially support Python 3.7.


  • FIX: Require wcmatch 1.0.1 which fixes a number of bugs, most notably a fix for POSIX character classes not properly being handled when at the start of sequence followed by range syntax ([[:ascii:]-z]) which will now be handled properly.
  • FIX: When full path is enabled, and no file pattern is specified, all files will properly be matched like they are when full path is not enabled.


  • FIX: Fix regression where raw character translations (\xXX etc.) are no longer working.
  • FIX: Style tweaks to HTML output.


  • NEW: Escape key will terminate a search or replace from any main tab.
  • NEW: Old legacy editor configuration is now removed. Only the new is allowed.
  • NEW: Show history in the settings dialog's history panel.
  • NEW: Use new wcmatch library to handle wild card file matching. Includes new features.
  • NEW: Add notification test button in settings.
  • NEW: Regular expression file patterns will respect the user's preference for the Regex libraries version choice.
  • NEW: Don't force ASCII in regular expression file patterns, but let user choose by sending in (?a) flag.
  • FIX: History clearing did not clear replace plugin history.
  • FIX: Growl notifications timing out due to image being to large.
  • FIX: Notifications sound not working when just alert sounds are enabled or sound is enabled with Growl.


  • FIX: Log error during update check. If not a silent check, alert user there was an update check issue.
  • FIX: Update requests should use https.
  • FIX: Update localization.


  • FIX: Fixes to Windows notifications.


  • FIX: Single instance handling regression #217.


  • FIX: Require Backrefs 3.5.0 which includes fixes for: pattern caching, named Unicode bug. Also adds better format string replace with the added ability to use format string align and fill.
  • FIX: Don't escape curly brackets in format strings just because they are string escaped when preprocessing Regex replace templates without Backrefs. Require explicit {{ or }}.


  • FIX: Regression that causes crash when using reverse flag with Regex and Backrefs.


  • FIX: In test dialog, when an expression doesn't match, the result box is empty.
  • FIX: Require Backrefs 3.3.0.


  • FIX: Cleanup some object leaks.
  • FIX: Incorrect sizing of chain dialog.
  • FIX: All list objects should be finalized properly to allow sorting.
  • FIX: Make encoding list style in settings dialog consistent with the look and feel of other list objects.


  • NEW: Drop Python 2.7 support.
  • NEW: Lines are calculated incrementally as needed opposed to all up front.
  • NEW: File pattern input will default to * or .* (for wildcard or regular expression respectively) if left empty.
  • NEW: Wildcard patterns starting with - will now work as expected even if no other patterns are applied (works for both folder exclude and file pattern inputs).


  • FIX: Don't feed Regex version flags into Re patterns.
  • FIX: Style tweaks to HTML output.


  • NEW: Escape key will terminate a search or replace from any main tab.
  • NEW: Lines are calculated incrementally as needed opposed to all up front.
  • NEW: File pattern input will default to * or .* (for wildcard or regular expression respectively) if left empty.
  • NEW: Wildcard patterns starting with - will now work as expected even if no other patterns are applied (works for both folder exclude and file pattern inputs).
  • NEW: Old legacy editor configuration is now removed. Only the new is allowed.
  • NEW: Show history in the settings dialog's history panel.
  • NEW: Add notification test button in settings.
  • NEW: Regular expression file patterns will respect the user's preference for the Regex libraries version choice.
  • NEW: Don't force ASCII in regular expression file patterns, but use the default for the Python version. Let user choose by sending in (?a) or (?u) flag.
  • FIX: History clearing did not clear replace plugin history.
  • FIX: Growl notifications timing out due to image being to large.
  • FIX: Notifications sound not working when just alert sounds are enabled or sound is enabled with Growl.
  • FIX: Log error during update check. If not a silent check, alert user there was an update check issue.
  • FIX: Update requests should use https.
  • FIX: Update localization.
  • FIX: Fixes to Windows notifications.
  • FIX: Single instance handling regression #217.
  • FIX: Require Backrefs 3.5.0 which includes fixes for: pattern caching, named Unicode bug. Also adds better format string replace with the added ability to use format string align and fill.
  • FIX: Don't escape curly brackets in format strings just because they are string escaped when preprocessing Regex replace templates without Backrefs. Require explicit {{ or }}.
  • FIX: Regression that causes crash when using reverse flag with Regex and Backrefs.
  • FIX: In test dialog, when an expression doesn't match, the result box is empty.
  • FIX: Cleanup some object leaks.
  • FIX: Incorrect sizing of chain dialog.
  • FIX: All list objects should be finalized properly to allow sorting.
  • FIX: Make encoding list style in settings dialog consistent with the look and feel of other list objects.


  • NEW: Rummage will use cchardet by default if found.
  • NEW: Expose way to specify cchardet being used.
  • NEW: Expose special file type encoding handling, and allow user to modify extension list. Covers: bin, python,html, and xml.
  • NEW: Detect middle endian 32 bit BOMs (even if Python has no encoder to actually handle them so we'll just default to binary).
  • NEW: Speed up and tweak binary detection.
  • NEW: Add copy button to support info dialog and ensure support info is read only.
  • NEW: Don't copy notification icons to user folder for use, but use the packaged icons directly from library.
  • NEW: Provide better support for localization. Build current language translation on install and bundle in library directly.
  • FIX: Wildcard pattern splitting on | inside a sequence.
  • FIX: Wildcard patterns not allowing character tokens such as \x70, \u0070, \N{unicode name}, \160, and standard escapes like \t etc.
  • FIX: Incorrect documentation on wildcard patterns.
  • FIX: Python 2.7 not translating Unicode escapes #196.
  • FIX: Require Backrefs 3.1.2. Some bug fixes, but notably, Backrefs switched from using \< and \> for start and end word boundaries to \m and \M. This is because of an oversight as Python versions less than 3.7 would escape < and > in re.escpae (even though it is unnecessary). Also some Unicode table generation fixes.
  • FIX: Crashes in Python 2.7 related to not handling 32 bit Unicode in the GUI properly on narrow systems.
  • FIX: Python 2.7 will translate 32 bit characters to escaped surrogate pairs on narrow systems.
  • FIX: Tester will replace 32 bit Unicode characters with escaped surrogate pairs place holder in results.
  • FIX: Rework highlighting in tester dialog to properly highlight 32 bit characters.
  • FIX: Single instance regression.


  • NEW: Add context menu to content tab just like file tab with all the same entries.
  • NEW: Add copy commands to context menus to copy selected file names, paths, or content of match (content tab only).
  • NEW: Add "delete" and "send to trash" options to context menu.
  • NEW: Add checksum/hash options to context menu.
  • NEW: Add feature to check for updates. Also add auto update check (disabled by default).
  • NEW: Install command line as tool as rummage and rummageX.X where X.X is the major and minor version of the Python in use.
  • FIX: Fix some leaky objects. Ensure all items are destroyed.
  • FIX: Rework main application object to fix related issues.
  • FIX: Limit bulk file open to 20 items to prevent issues when open massive amount of files at once.
  • FIX: Regression with exports due to recent column addition and order change.
  • FIX: Search error list destroying parent/main dialog when closed. Also ensure destruction of error list dialog on main window closing.
  • FIX: Python 2.7 not processing Unicode escapes in search patterns.


  • FIX: Import of bregex when regex is not installed.
  • FIX: Backwards search did not reassemble text proper.


  • FIX: Require Backrefs 3.0.2 which fixes a minor Bregex cache purge issue.


  • FIX: Regression where installed CLI command would fail on launch.


  • NEW: Require latest Backrefs 3.0.1.
  • NEW: Add extension column in results.
  • NEW: Status now just shows [ACTIVE] or [DONE] instead of a misleading percentage.
  • NEW: Can now multi-select and mass open files in your editor.
  • NEW: Better error feedback in regex tester.
  • NEW: Remove current directory from Python path when opening Rummage to prevent it from importing local libraries when launched inside a Python project. This mainly affects python -m rummage and pythonw -m rummage launching.
  • FIX: Result item hover not showing file name in status bar.
  • FIX: Warnings in plugin system.


  • NEW: Add changelog link in menu for quick reference.
  • NEW: Encoding list is generated from the Python installation being used.
  • FIX: Infinite loop on result double click in content list.


  • FIX: Complete message should not be of "error" type.


  • NEW: Results update live. Progress has been removed. (#140)
  • FIX: Windows status bar flicker.
  • FIX: Results not showing when notifications is set to only play audio alerts.


  • NEW: Add export/import of settings and/or regular expression rules and chains.
  • NEW: Add support info dialog to gather info when filing issues.


  • NEW: Allow Backrefs' replace references to work with format replaces.
  • NEW: Add support for format replace with Re (with Backrefs only).
  • NEW: Rummage requires Backrefs 2.1.0+.
  • FIX: Regex's format replacement (without Backrefs) and Re (without Backrefs) handling of back slashes Unicode, byte, notation was different that Backrefs and other Regex modes. Normalize the differences to give the expected feel.
  • FIX: Ensure replace (in all cases) isn't populated during a search only.


  • FIX: Avoid Backrefs 1.1.0 and 2+ for until 2.1.


  • FIX: Fix Windows pythonw failure.


  • FIX: wxPython 4.0.0b1 removed label parameter from constructor.
  • FIX: Debug Unicode issue.


  • NEW: Add reveal right click menu option in "File" tab results.
  • NEW: Expose backup configuration and allow putting all backups in a folder if desired.
  • FIX: Windows Unicode input path issues from command line and through the pipe during single instance argument transfer.
  • FIX: Windows Unicode issue when calling a shell command to open file in editor.


  • NEW: Redesign of the preferences dialog.
  • NEW: Editor configurations are now sent through the shell which changes and simplifies the interface to set it up.
  • FIX: Simplify dialog initial resize.
  • FIX: Clean up of closing events: ensure we return a code, destroy objects, and skip unnecessary actions.
  • FIX: Use double buffering on certain windows and panels in Windows to reduce text flickering on resize.
  • FIX: Window is only resized by force on initial load, and if the dialog is ever too small when showing something that was hidden.
  • FIX: Revert ensuring window is never bigger than usable size for now.


  • NEW: Add new chained search feature.
  • NEW: Add new replace plugin support.
  • NEW: Restructure internal API to support chained search.
  • NEW: Saved searches will now require a unique name and an optional comment. Old legacy saves will be converted on first access. The old legacy name will be the comment, and a unique name will be generated from the comment.
  • NEW: Saved search names and comments can be edited from the "Load Search" panel.
  • NEW: Internal API no longer will guess and decode strings, only files. It is expected that the caller handles encoding of string buffers. A Unicode buffer will be searched as usual, and a binary string buffer will be treated as binary.
  • NEW: Tester dialog will now process literal searches as well.
  • NEW: Literal searches will now utilize the Unicode related flags. This is particularly notable if using the Regex module and wanting to have full case-folding applied in case-insensitive matches.
  • FIX: Visual inconsistencies in regard to text box size relative to siblings, alignment of labels, etc.
  • FIX: Content text box in tester dialog will now allow entering tab characters on all platforms instead of navigating to next control.
  • FIX: Fix wxPython deprecation noise in the console.
  • FIX: Fix some binary related replace issues.
  • FIX: Fix search not aborting.
  • FIX: Fix issue where selecting file from drop down list didn't hide limit panel.
  • FIX: Don't display replace message when aborting replace.
  • FIX: Fix limit panel hide logic so it doesn't show a the hidden panel on search.
  • FIX: POSIX flag not generating refresh in tester dialog.
  • FIX: Unicode issue in preferences' editor dialog.
  • FIX: Ensure all localized strings properly get loaded.
  • FIX: Ensure initial on_loaded event via CallLater works properly in Python 2 and 3.
  • FIX: Call initial main window resize in on_loaded event in some situations.
  • FIX: Ensure main window initial resize is never bigger than usable screen size.


  • FIX: Issue where mousing over results showed nothing in status bar.
  • FIX: Issue where double clicking result in Content pattern would not open in editor.


  • FIX: Bump rev.


  • FIX: Fix editor argument dialog.


  • FIX: Revert changes in 2.0.1 as wheels don't run setup and don't properly create the Python specific commands.


  • FIX: Release binary in path as rummage and rummage<version>. So for 2.7, it would be rummage2.7.


  • NEW: Python 3 support via the new wxPython 4.0.0 Phoenix!
  • NEW: Dropped classic wxPython (<4.0.0) as it is too much work to maintain legacy support as well.
  • NEW: Serialize piped argument data.
  • FIX: Icon now displays in Ubuntu.
  • FIX: Fix tab traversal issues in both macOS and Linux.
  • FIX: Fix Linux progress bar disappearing.
  • FIX: Fix notifications with terminal-notifier.
  • FIX: Fix issues related to localization.


  • FIX: issue where editor could not be set.


  • FIX: Fixed issue where literal replace was not actually literal replace.


  • NEW: Initial release