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File Manager Context Menu


  1. Open Automator.
  2. Create new Service.
  3. Set the following:

    • Service receives selected files or folders in any Application.
    • Shell: /bin/sh.
    • Pass input: as arguments.
    • Content of script:

      (/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/rummage --path "$1")>/dev/null 2>&1 &

      This is just an example. You will need to determine the location of your Python install.

  4. Save to /Users/<username>/Library/Services/Rummage Here....


  1. Create a file rummage.reg with the content from one of the entries below. Replace <python_install_path> with the actual path to your Python directory (usually something like: c:\Python35). Remember to escape backslashes appropriately. Also note that we quote %1 to allow spaces in the command line argument. Paths may vary, and it is left up to the user to discover where their Python install directory is.


    This isn't a guide in how to do registry editing proper, so only edit the registry if you are certain of what you are doing.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Rummage Here...]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Rummage Here...\command]
    @="<python_install_path>\\Scripts\\rummage.exe --path \"%1\""
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Rummage Here...]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Rummage Here...\command]
    @="<python_install_path>\\Scripts\\rummage.exe --path \"%1\""

    Optionally, you can also include the Rummage icon beside your context menu entry by adding a few additional lines:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Rummage Here...]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Rummage Here...\command]
    @="<python_install_path>\\Scripts\\rummage.exe --path \"%1\""
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Rummage Here...]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Rummage Here...\command]
    @="<python_install_path>\\Scripts\\rummage.exe --path \"%1\""
  2. Save file.

  3. Double click the registry file to add the context menu into Windows Explorer.


There are many different flavors of Linux using different file managers. This makes it difficult to give a guide to cover all cases. Please research about your specific distro's file manager and how to add context menus. If you would like to include the info here, please issue a pull request to update the documentation.

Ubuntu Nautilus (Gnome)

Paths might vary depending on Ubuntu version etc.

  1. Create an executable file called Rummage Here... in ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/ with the following content (RUMMAGE_PATH should be the binary created when installing rummage in Python which is usually /usr/local/bin/rummage).

    import os
    import subprocess
    RUMMAGE_PATH = "/usr/local/bin/rummage"
    selected_paths = os.environ.get("NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS", None)
    if selected_paths is not None:
        paths = selected_paths.split("\n")
        if len(paths):
            subprocess.Popen([RUMMAGE_PATH, "--path", paths[0]])
  2. Restart of Nautilus may or may not be needed, but context menu item should appear under Scripts and should work on files and folders.

Ubuntu Dolphin (KDE)

At the time of writing, this was tested on KDE 5, so most of the commands are appended with '5'.

  1. To discover where you can store your context menu entries, run the following command:

    facelessuser@facelessuser:~$ kf5-config --path services
  2. Next create your .desktop file in one of these locations creating the necessary folder(s) if needed. In this example, the file will be created at ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/rummage.desktoop.

  3. Provide the necessary configuration to specify the entry type, file targets, command to execute, icon, etc. In our case, we specify all/all to target both files and folders. We also point to one of the PNG files that ship in the package for the icon.

    [Desktop Entry]
    [Desktop Action rummage]
    Name=Rummage Here...
    Exec=rummage --path "%f"
  4. Lastly we rebuild and refresh the desktop entries:

    facelessuser@facelessuser:~$ kbuildsycoca5
  5. Close all Dolphin windows and reopen to see your context menu item. It should be found under Actions.

Ubuntu Thunar (XFCE4)

In Ubuntu 18.04, XFCE4 uses Thunar. Thunar has a built in way of setting custom context menu items. This may or may not apply to other distros.

  1. In Thunar, select Edit > Configure Custom Actions.... You will be presented with the custom actions dialog.

    Thunar Custom Actions

  2. Simply press the button with the + to create a new entry. Fill in the inputs as shown below (or modify to your preference):

    Thunar Basic Options

  3. Then select the Appearance Conditions tab and fill in the fields as shown below (or modify to your preference):

    Thunar Condition Options

Afterwards, you should have a Rummage context menu on both files and directories in Thunar.


Rummage provides an i18n localization framework to allow support for displaying the UI in other locales. Currently the project only has an incomplete Russian translation (I don't speak Russian, so I can't complete it).

Translations should be compiled and included by default requiring no additional steps starting in version 3.6.0.

I only speak English, so I do not maintain the translations. If the UI changes, someone from the community will need to update them appropriately via pull requests or they will remain out of date.

To modify localization, you first must install babel.

$ pip install babel

Editing Existing Translations

Translations are stored at rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale/<LOCALE>/LC_MESSAGES/rummage.po. Just edit the rummage.po for the appropriate <LOCALE>.

Inside each .po file there will be a msgid for each unique translatable string. Each msgid represents the actual US English text that is shown in Rummage. Underneath each msgid, you'll also find a msgstr which represents the translation for the msgid. Just edit the corresponding msgstr for each msgid in the existing rummage.po file.

msgid "About"
msgstr "<my_translation>"

Generate New Template from Source

In the Python source, you'll notice that translatable strings are represented as _("some text"). _ is the function that retrieves the proper translations. In order to provide translations, we have to build up a template of all of these strings in a .pot file. This is done by running:

$ pybabel extract --input-dirs=rummage --output-file=rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale/rummage.pot

This will scan the Python source and generate a template at rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale/rummage.pot.

If you update the source in a way that requires generating a new .pot file, then you will most likely need to update existing .po files as well. See Update Translation Files to see how.

See Babel's documentation on extract_messages for more info.

Update Translation Files

When new strings are added in the source, or strings are changed, you will need to re-generate the .pot file and then update the .po files. This should update all .po files.

$ pybabel update --domain=rummage --input-file=rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale/rummage.pot --output-dir=rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale

If you need to only update a specific .po file:

pybabel update --domain=rummage --input-file=rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale/rummage.pot --output-dir=rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale -l en_US

See Babel's documentation on update_catalog for more info.

Create New Translations

To create a translation .po file to edit, all you need to do is run the command below specifying your locale. The command should create a .po file to edit and the associated directory structure.

pybabel init --domain=rummage --input-file=rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale/rummage.pot --output-dir=rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale -l en_US

See Babel's documentation on init_catalog for more info.

Build Translations

Building translations is also pretty easy:

pybabel compile --domain=rummage --directory=rummage/lib/gui/localization/locale

This should build .mo files for all languages. See Babel's documentation on compile_catalog for more info.