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Change your Sublime tmTheme files by applying different color filters on the fly.


ThemeTweaker came out as a side project while I was working on ExportHtml. I was dealing with the replicating the tmTheme in an HTML output, but later wanted to be able to modify the tmTheme with filters such as: rotating the hue, adjusting the contrast, increasing/deceasing the brightness, etc. Some of the filters are useless, but they were fun to throw together. I have been using it for a while, but recently decided to throw it together in its own package. It can be used as a stand alone plugin for tweaking your themes, or it can be leveraged by other plugins for modifying color scheme (tmTheme) files.


ThemeTweaker has a number of commands that allow you to do the following:

  • Increase/decrease brightness.
  • Increase/decrease saturation.
  • Increase/decrease contrast.
  • Rotate the hues of the theme.
  • Colorize the theme (make all of the colors different shades of one color).
  • Convert the theme to grayscale.
  • Apply a Sepia filter.
  • Invert the color scheme.
  • Cause foreground scopes to glow (keywords etc. except for the main foreground color; maybe that will change).
  • With filters that make sense, allow limiting the filter to background or foreground scopes.
  • Create shortcuts to adjust the color scheme only when in ThemeMode.
  • Allow undo and redo of filters while in ThemeMode.
  • A command to revert all filters in one shot and return to original theme.
  • Does not modify the original theme directly, but creates a copy.
  • Live update when applying filters.

Last update: April 2, 2021
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