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Color API


NaN is a convenience constant for float('nan').
Import path

NaN is imported from the coloraide library:

from coloraide import NaN


class stop:
    def __init__(
        color: ColorInput,
        value: float
    ) -> None:
stop objects are used in interpolate methods. They allow a user to specify a color stop for a given color during the interpolation process.
Import Path

stop is imported from coloraide library:

from coloraide import stop
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, a dictionary describing the color, or another Color class object.
value A numerical value specifying the new color stop for the given color.


def hint(
    mid: float,
) -> Callable[..., float]:
hint returns an easing function that adjust the midpoint between two color stops.
Import Path

hint is imported from coloraide library:

from coloraide import hint
Parameters Defaults Description
mid A numerical value, relative to the two color stops it occurs between. The value will be used as the new midpoint.


class Color:
    def __init__(
        color: ColorInput,
        data: VectorLike | None = None,
        alpha: float = util.DEF_ALPHA,
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> None:
The Color class object is a wrapper around the internal color space objects. Color is the base Color object and only registers a select number of color spaces by default. It provides an API interface to allow users to specify and manipulate colors.
Import path

Color is imported from the coloraide library:

from coloraide import Color
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, a dictionary describing the color, or another Color class object. If given data, a string must be used and should represent the color space to use.
data None data accepts a list of numbers representing the coordinates of the color. If provided, color must be a string specifying the color space.
alpha 1 alpha accepts a number specifying the alpha channel. Must be used in conjunction with data or it will be ignored.


class ColorAll(Color):
    def __init__(
        color: ColorInput,
        data: VectorLike | None = None,
        alpha: float = util.DEF_ALPHA,
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> None:
The ColorAll class object is derived from Color and extends the registered color spaces to include all offered by ColorAide.
Import path

ColorAll is imported from the coloraide library:

from coloraide.everything import ColorAll
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, a dictionary describing the color, or another ColorAll class object. If given data, a string must be used and should represent the color space to use.
data None data accepts a list of numbers representing the coordinates of the color. If provided, color must be a string specifying the color space.
alpha 1 alpha accepts a number specifying the alpha channel. Must be used in conjunction with data or it will be ignored.


def register(
    plugin: Plugin | Sequence[Plugin],
    overwrite: bool = False,
    silent: bool = False
) -> None:
Register a plugin(s).
Parameters Defaults Description
plugin A plugin instance or list of plugin instances to register.
overwrite False overwrite will allow an already registered plugin to be overwritten if the plugin to register specifies a name that is already used for registration.
silent False silent will avoid throwing an error if the name is already found and overwrite is set to False in the specified category.


def deregister(
    plugin: str | Sequence[str], *,
    silent: bool = False
) -> None:
Remove an already registered plugin(s).
Parameters Defaults Description
plugin A string or list of strings that describe the plugin(s) to be removed. Strings should be in the format category:name where category is either space, delta-e, cat, filter, contrast, interpolate, or fit and name is the name the plugin was registered under. * will remove all plugins and category:* will remove all within a specific category.
silent False silent will avoid throwing an error if the name can not be found in the specified category.


def match(
    string: str,
    start: int = 0,
    fullmatch: bool = False
) -> ColorMatch | None:

The match class method provides access to the color matching interface and allows a user to provide a color string and get back a ColorMatch object. ColorMatch objects contain three properties:

class ColorMatch:
    def __init__(
        color: Color,
        start: int,
        end: int
    ) -> None:
Parameter Description
color The Color object.
start The starting point within the string buffer where the color was found.
end The ending point within the string buffer where the color was found.

Match does not search the entire buffer, but simply matches at the location specified by start.

Parameters Defaults Description
string A string representing the color.
start 0 Accepts an integer offset into the provided string buffer to start the match.
fullmatch False A boolean which defines whether match must match to the end of the string buffer.
Returns a ColorMatch object.

def new(
    color: ColorInput,
    data: VectorLike | None = None,
    alpha: float = util.DEF_ALPHA,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Color:
The new class method exposes the interface of creating new color objects. Using new is the same as using Color().
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, or other Color class object. If given data, a string must be used and should represent the color space to use.
data None data accepts a list of numbers representing the coordinates of the color. If provided, color must be a string specifying the color space.
alpha 1 alpha accepts a number specifying the alpha channel. Must be used in conjunction with data or it will be ignored.
Returns a Color object.


def random(
    space: str,
    limits: Sequence[Sequence[float] | None] | None = None
) -> Color:
Generate a random color in the provided space. The color space's channel range will be used as a limit for the channel. For color spaces with no clearly defined gamut, these values can be arbitrary. In such cases, it may be advisable to fit the returned color space to a displayable gamut.
Parameters Defaults Description
space The color space name in which to generate a random color in.
limits None An optional list of constraints for various color channels. Each entry should either be a sequence contain a minimum and maximum value, or should be None. None values will be ignored and the color space's specified channel range will be used instead. Any missing entries will be treated as None.
Returns a Color object.


def clone(
The clone method provides a way to create a duplicate of the current Color instance.
Returns a Color object.


def update(
    color: ColorInput,
    data: VectorLike | None = None,
    alpha: float = util.DEF_ALPHA,
    norm: bool = True,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Color:
The update method provides a way to update the underlying color space with coordinates from any color space. The method's signature is the same as new except that it adds an additional norm parameter used to skip achromatic hue normalization when converting to the current color space. The object itself will assume the equivalent color in the current color space that matches the input color's value (assuming no algorithmic limitations preventing an equivalent color).
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, or other Color class object. If given data, a string must be used and should represent the color space to use.
data None data accepts a list of numbers representing the coordinates of the color. If provided, color must be a string specifying the color space.
alpha 1 alpha accepts a number specifying the alpha channel. Must be used in conjunction with data or it will be ignored.
norm True When set to False, this prevents achromatic normalization when updating from a different color space. If no update occurs, nothing is done.
Returns a reference to the current Color object.


def mutate(
    color: ColorInput,
    data: VectorLike | None = None,
    alpha: float = util.DEF_ALPHA,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Color:
The mutate method is similar to update except that it does not convert the input color to the current color space, but instead replaces the current color space and values with the input color's color space and values.
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, or other Color class object. If given data, a string must be used and should represent the color space to use.
data None data accepts a list of numbers representing the coordinates of the color. If provided, color must be a string specifying the color space.
alpha 1 alpha accepts a number specifying the alpha channel. Must be used in conjunction with data or it will be ignored.
Returns a reference to the current Color object.


def convert(
    space: str,
    fit: bool | str = False,
    in_place: bool = False,
    norm: bool = True
) -> Color:
Converts a Color object from one color space to another. If the current color space matches the specified color space, a clone of the current color will be returned with no changes to the channel values. If in_place is True, the current object will be modified in place.
Parameters Defaults Description
space A string representing the desired final color space.
fit False Parameter specifying whether the current color should be gamut mapped into the final, desired color space. If set to True, the color will be gamut mapped using the default gamut mapping method. If set to a string, the string will be interpreted as the name of the gamut mapping method to be used.
in_place False Boolean specifying whether the convert should alter the current Color object or return a new one.
norm True When set to False, this prevents achromatic normalization when converting from a different color space. If no update occurs, nothing is done.
Returns a reference to the converted Color object. If in_place is True, the return will be a reference to the current Color object.

def space(
) -> str:
Retrieves the current color space name as specified by the underlying color space object.
Returns a string with the name of the current color space.


def normalize(
    nans: bool = True
) -> Color:
Force normalization of a color's channels by forcing cylindrical colors with negative chroma/saturation to their positive form and setting hue to undefined if the color is achromatic. If nans is set to False, the hue normalization step (setting hue to undefined) will be skipped. Normalize modifies the current color in place.
Parameters Defaults Description
nans True Perform hue normalization (setting hue to undefined if the color is achromatic).
Returns a reference to the current Color object after normalizing the channels for undefined hues.


def to_dict(
    nans: bool = True,
    precision: int | Sequence[int] | None = None
) -> Mapping[str, Any]:

Dump the color object to a simple dictionary.

    'space': 'srgb',            # Color space name
    'coords': [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],  # Color channel values
    'alpha': 1.0                # Alpha channel value
Parameters Defaults Description
nans True Return channel values having undefined values resolved as defined values.
precision None If precision is not None, the return values will be rounded according to the precision. If the precision is a sequence, each returned channel will be rounded according to the precision at the corresponding index in the sequence.
A dictionary containing the color space name and channel values.


def to_string(
    **kwargs: Any
) -> str:
Method that converts the current color to an output format supported by the color space. While a number of the parameters are common, some may be specific to the color space. The usage guide covers color space specific options in more details.

Common parameters:

Parameters Defaults Description
alpha None Boolean or None value which determines whether the output includes alpha. If None, the default alpha will only be shown if less than 1. If True, alpha will always be shown. If False, alpha will be omitted.
precision 5 Integer value that sets precision and scale. Precision and scale will match the value if greater than zero. If 0, values will be rounded to the nearest integer. If -1, number will be output at the highest precision.
fit True A boolean that controls whether gamut mapping is performed on string creation. By default, colors will be fit to their own color space. This can be disabled by setting to False.
color False A boolean that will determine if the color(space coord+ / alpha) format is used for string output. Has highest precedence.
percent Varies A boolean that will output color channels as percents. Not all color spaces support percents, or may support percents only in certain scenarios. Default value may be determined by the color space.

sRGB specific parameters:

Parameters Defaults Description
hex. False String output will be in #RRGGBBAA format.
names False Boolean indicating a preference for CSS color names. When translating a color to it's closest hex form, if that hex value matches a CSS color name, that color name will be returned as the output. hex does not have to be True for this to apply.
compress False If hex is True and compress is True, hex values will be compressed if possible: #RRGGBBAA#RGBA.

Space dependent parameters:

Parameters Defaults Description
comma False If supported by the color space and the current output format, commas will be used instead of space format: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)rgb(0 0 0 /1).
Returns a string representation of the current color.


def luminance(
    white: VectorLike | None = cat.WHITES['2deg']['D65']
) -> float:
Get the relative luminance. Relative luminance is obtained from the Y coordinate in the XYZ color space. XYZ, in this case, has a D65 white point.
Parameters Defaults Description
white None Specify the white in which to chromatically adapt the points from, if none is specified, the current color's white point is assumed.
Returns an float indicating the relative luminance.


def contrast(
    color: ColorInput,
    method: str | None = None
) -> float:
Get the contrast ratio based on the relative luminance between two colors.
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, Color object, or dictionary representing a color.
method None Specify the method used to obtain the contrast value. If None, the default specified by the class will be used.
Returns a float indicating the contrast ratio between two colors.


def distance(
    color: ColorInput,
    space: str = "lab"
) -> float:
Performs a euclidean distance algorithm on two colors.
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, Color object, or dictionary representing a color.
space "lab" Color space to perform distancing algorithm in.
Returns a float indicating euclidean distance between the two colors.


def delta_e(
    color: ColorInput,
    method: str | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> float:

Performs a delta E distance algorithm on two colors. Default algorithm that is used is Delta E 1976 (76). Some methods have additional weighting that can be configured through method specific options which are represented by **kwargs.

Available methods:

Name Input Parameters
∆E*ab (CIE76) 76
∆E*cmc (CMC l:c (1984)) cmc l=2, c=1
∆E*94 (CIE94) 94 kl=1, k1=0.045, k2=0.015
∆E*00  (CIEDE2000) 2000 kl=1, kc=1, kh=1
∆EHyAB (HyAB) hyab space="lab"
∆Eok ok scalar=1
∆Eitp (ICtCp) itp scalar=720
∆Ez (Jzazbz) jz
∆E99o (DIN99o) 99o
∆Ecam16 cam16 model=ucs
∆EHCT hct
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, Color object, or dictionary representing a color.
method None String that specifies the method to use. If None, the default will be used.
**kwargs Any distancing specific parameters to pass to ∆E method.
Returns a float indicating the delta E distance between the two colors.


def closest(
    colors: Sequence[ColorInput],
    method: str | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Color:
Given a list of colors, calculates the closest color to the calling color object.
Parameters Defaults Description
colors A list of color strings, Color object, or dictionary representing a color.
method None String that specifies the method of color distancing to use.
**kwargs Any distancing specific parameters to pass to ∆E method.
The Color that is closest to the calling color object. In the off chance that an empty list is passed in None will be returned.


def mask(
    channel: str | Sequence[str],
    invert: bool = False,
    in_place: bool = False
) -> Color:
The mask method will set any and all specified channels to NaN. If invert is set to True, mask will set any and all channels not specified to NaN.
Parameters Defaults Description
channel A string specifying a channel, or a list of strings specifying multiple channels. Specified channels will be masked (or the only channels not masked if invert is True).
invert False Use inverse masking logic and mask all channels that are not specified.
in_place False Boolean used to determine if the current color should be modified "in place" or a new Color object should be returned.
Returns a reference to the masked Color object. If in_place is True, the return will be a reference to the current Color object.


def interpolate(
    colors: Sequence[ColorInput | interpolate.stop | Callable[..., float]],
    space: str | None = None,
    out_space: str | None = None,
    progress: Mapping[str, Callable[..., float]] | Callable[..., float] | None = None,
    hue: str = util.DEF_HUE_ADJ,
    premultiplied: bool = True,
    extrapolate: bool = False,
    domain: list[float] | None = None,
    method: str = "linear",
    padding: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None,
    carryforward: bool | None = False,
    powerless: bool | None = False,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Interpolator:

The interpolate method creates a function that takes a value between 0 - 1 and interpolates a new color based on the input value.

If more than one color is provided, the returned function will span the interpolations between all the provided colors with the same range of 0 - 1.

Interpolation can be customized by limiting the interpolation to specific color channels, providing custom interpolation functions, and even adjusting the hue logic used.

stop objects can wrapped around colors to specify new color stops and easing functions can be placed between colors to alter the transition progress between the two colors.

Hue Evaluation Description
shorter Angles are adjusted so that θ₂ - θ₁ ∈ [-180, 180].
longer Angles are adjusted so that θ₂ - θ₁ ∈ {[-360, -180], [180, 360]}.
increasing Angles are adjusted so that θ₂ - θ₁ ∈ [0, 360].
decreasing Angles are adjusted so that θ₂ - θ₁ ∈ [-360, 0]
specified No fixup is performed. Angles are interpolated in the same way as every other component.

The method of interpolation to can also be selected via the method parameter.

Method Description
linear An linear interpolation that employs piecewise logic to interpolate between two or more colors.
bspline An interpolation method that employs cubic B-spline curves to calculate an interpolation path through multiple colors.
natural A natural interpolation spline based on the cubic B-spline curve.
monotone An interpolation method that utilizes a monotonic cubic spline based on the Hermite spline.
catrom Interpolation based on the Catmull-Rom cubic spline.
Parameters Defaults Description
colors A list of color strings, Color objects, dictionaries representing a color, stop objects, or easing functions.
space "lab" Color space to interpolate in.
out_space None Color space that the new color should be in. If None, the return color will be in the same color space as specified by space.
progress None An optional function that allows for custom logic to perform non-linear interpolation.
hue "shorter" Define how color spaces which have hue angles are interpolated. Default evaluates between the shortest angle.
premultiplied True Use premultiplied alpha when interpolating.
extrapolate False Interpolations should extrapolate when values exceed the domain range ([0, 1] by default).
domain None A list of numbers defining the domain range of the interpolation.
method "linear" The interpolation method to use.
padding None Adjust the padding of the interpolation range.
carryforward False Carry forward undefined channels when converting to the interpolation space. If None, will use the class default which is False by default.
powerless None Treat explicitly defined hues as powerless when the color is considered achromatic. If None, will use the class default which is False by default.
Returns a function that takes a range within the specified domain, the default being [0..1]. The function returns a new, interpolated Color object.


def steps(
    colors: Sequence[ColorInput | interpolate.stop | Callable[..., float]],
    steps: int = 2,
    max_steps: int = 1000,
    max_delta_e: float = 0,
    delta_e: str | None = None,
    delta_e_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    **interpolate_args: Any
) -> list[Color]:

Creates an interpolate function and iterates through it with user defined step parameters to produce discrete color steps. Will attempt to provide the minimum number of steps without exceeding max_steps. If max_delta_e is provided, the distance between each stop will be cut in half until there are no colors with a distance greater than the specified max_delta_e. The default ∆E method is used by default, but it can be changed with the delta_e parameter.

If more than one color is provided, the steps will be returned from the interpolations between all the provided colors.

Like interpolate, the default interpolation space is lab.

Parameters Defaults Description
color A list of color strings, Color objects, dictionaries representing a color, stop objects, or easing functions.
steps 2 Minimum number of steps.
max_steps 1000 Maximum number of steps.
max_delta_e 0 Maximum delta E distance between the color stops. A value of 0 or less will be ignored.
delta_e None A string indicating which ∆E method to use. If nothing is supplied, the class object's current default ∆E method will be used.
delta_e_args None A dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the delta_e method.
**interpolate_args See interpolate Keyword arguments defined in interpolate.
List of Color objects.


def discrete(
    colors: Sequence[ColorInput | interpolate.stop | Callable[..., float]],
    space: str | None = None,
    out_space: str | None = None,
    steps: int | None = None,
    max_steps: int = 1000,
    max_delta_e: float = 0,
    delta_e: str | None = None,
    delta_e_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    domain: list[float] | None = None,
    **interpolate_args: Any
) -> Interpolator:

Generates an interpolate function with discrete color scale. By default it assumes as many discrete colors as the user inputs, but steps can be used to generate more or less using the input colors. As discrete is built on steps, it takes all the same arguments.

Like interpolate, the default interpolation space is lab.

Parameters Defaults Description
color A list of color strings, Color objects, dictionaries representing a color, stop objects, or easing functions.
space "lab" Color space to interpolate in.
out_space None Color space that the new color should be in. If None, the return color will be in the same color space as specified by space.
steps None Minimum number of steps. If None, steps will be set to the number of input colors.
max_steps 1000 Maximum number of steps.
max_delta_e 0 Maximum delta E distance between the color stops. A value of 0 or less will be ignored.
delta_e None A string indicating which ∆E method to use. If nothing is supplied, the class object's current default ∆E method will be used.
delta_e_args None A dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the delta_e method.
domain None A list of numbers defining the domain range of the interpolation.
**interpolate_args See interpolate Keyword arguments defined in interpolate.
Returns a function that takes a range within the specified domain, the default being [0..1]. The function returns a new, interpolated Color object.


def mix(
    color: ColorInput,
    percent: float = util.DEF_MIX,
    in_place: bool = False,
    **interpolate_args: Any
) -> Color:
Interpolates between two colors returning a color that represents the mixing of the base color and the provided color mixed at the provided percent, where percent applies to how much the provided color contributes to the final result.
Parameters Defaults Description
color A color string, Color object, or dictionary representing a color.
percent 0.5 A numerical value between 0 - 1 representing the percentage at which the parameter color will be mixed.
in_place False Boolean used to determine if the current color should be modified "in place" or a new Color object should be returned.
**interpolate_args See interpolate Keyword arguments defined in interpolate.
Returns a reference to the new Color object or a reference to the current Color if in_place is True.


def average(
    colors: Iterable[ColorInput],
    space: str | None = None,
    out_space: str | None = None,
    premultiplied: bool = True,
    powerelss: bool | None = None
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Color:
Get the average mean of all channels given a particular set of input colors.
Parameters Defaults Description
colors An iterable of color strings, Color objects, and/or dictionaries representing a color.
space None An optional string to specify what color space the colors should be averaged in. If none is provided, Oklab is assumed.
out_space None Color space that the new color should be in. If None, the return color will be in the same color space as specified via space.
premultiplied True Specify whether colors should be premultiplied during the averaging process.
powerless None Treat explicitly defined hues as powerless when the color is considered achromatic. If None, will use the class default which is False by default.
Returns a reference to the new Color object representing the average of the input colors.

Deprecated 4.1

powerless parameter has been deprecated in 4.1 and as it is now always enabled. The parameter no longer does anything and will be removed in the future.


def filter(
    name: str,
    amount: float | None = None,
    space: str | None = None,
    in_place: bool = False,
    out_space: str | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Color:

Apply a color filter to alter a given color. The non-CVD filters are based on the W3C Filter Effects and behave in the same manner. Colors are evaluated in the sRGB Linear color space unless otherwise specified via the space parameter. No other color space will be accepted except sRGB and sRGB Linear.

An amount can be provided to adjust how much the color is filtered. Any clamping that occurs with the amount parameter, and related ways in which amount are applied, follow the W3C Filter Effects spec.

Some filters, such as CVDs, may take additional arguments via kwargs.

Filters Name Default
Brightness brightness 1
Saturation saturate 1
Contrast contrast 1
Opacity opacity 1
Invert invert 1
Hue rotation hue-rotate 0
Sepia sepia 1
Grayscale grayscale 1
CVD Filters Name Default
Protanopia CVD protan 1
Deuteranopia CVD deutan 1
Tritanopia CVD tritan 1
Parameters Defaults Description
name The name of the filter that should be applied.
amount See above A numerical value adjusting to what degree the filter is applied. Input range can vary depending on the filter being used. Default can also dependent on the filter being used.
space None Controls the algorithm used for simulating the given CVD.
in_place False Boolean used to determine if the current color should be modified "in place" or a new Color object should be returned.
out_space None Color space that the new color should be in. If None, the return color will be in the same color space as specified via space.
**kwargs Additional filter specific parameters.

CVDs also take an optional method parameter that allows for specifying the CVD algorithm to use.

Simulation Approach Name
Brettel 1997 brettel
Viénot, Brettel, and Mollon 1999 vienot
Machado 2009 machado
Returns a reference to the new Color object or a reference to the current Color if in_place is True.


def harmony(
    name: str,
    space: str | None = None,
    out_space: str | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> list[Color]:

The harmony method uses the current color and returns a set of harmonious colors (including the current color). The color harmonies are based on the classical color harmonies of color theory. By default, harmonious colors are selected under the perceptually uniform OkLCh color space, but other cylindrical color spaces can be used.

Harmony Name
Monochromatic mono
Complementary complement
Split Complement split
Analogous analogous
Triadic triad
Tetradic Square square
Tetradic Rectangle rectangle
Wheel wheel
Parameters Defaults Description
name Name of the color harmony to use.
space 'oklch' Color space under which the harmonies will be calculated. Must be a cylindrical space.
out_space None Color space that the new color should be in. If None, the return color will be in the same color space as specified via space.
**kwargs Any harmony specific parameters to pass to the called harmony.
Returns a list of Color objects.


Deprecated 4.0

compose method was deprecated in favor of the new layer method and will be removed at some future time.

def compose(
    backdrop: ColorInput | Sequence[ColorInput],
    blend: str | bool = True,
    operator: str | bool = True,
    space: str | None = None,
    out_space: str | None = None,
    in_place: bool = False
) -> Color:

Apply compositing which consists of a blend mode and a Porter Duff operator for alpha compositing. The current color is treated as the source (top layer) and the provided color as the backdrop (bottom layer). Colors will be composited in the srgb color space unless otherwise specified.

Compositing should generally be applied in RGB-ish color spaces (sRGB, Display P3, A98 RGB, etc.). The algorithm is designed only for RGB-ish colors. Non-RGB-ish colors are likely to provide nonsense results.

Supported blend modes are:

Blend Modes      
normal multiply darken lighten
burn dodge screen overlay
hard-light exclusion difference soft-light
hue saturation luminosity color
color hue saturation luminosity

Supported Port Duff operators are:

clear copy destination source-over
destination-over source-in destination-in source-out
destination-out source-atop destination-atop xor
Parameters Defaults Description
backdrop A background color or sequence of background colors represented with strings, Color objects, and/or dictionaries representing a color.
blend None A blend mode to use to use when compositing. Values should be a string specifying the name of the blend mode to use. If None, normal will be used. If False, blending will be skipped.
operator None A Porter Duff operator to use for alpha compositing. Values should be a string specifying the name of the operator to use. If None, source-over will be used. If False, alpha compositing will be skipped.
space None A color space to perform the overlay in. If None, the base color's space will be used.
out_space None Color space that the new color should be in. If None, the return color will be in the same color space as specified by space.
in_place False Boolean used to determine if the current color should be modified "in place" or a new Color object should be returned.
Returns a reference to the new Color object or a reference to the current Color if in_place is True.


def layer(
    colors: Sequence[ColorInput],
    blend: str | bool = True,
    operator: str | bool = True,
    space: str | None = None,
    out_space: str | None = None
) -> Color:

Layer colors on time of each other and apply compositing which consists of a blend mode and a Porter Duff operator for alpha compositing. Colors are provided in a list where the left most color is treated as the top most color and the right most color is treated as the bottom most color. Colors will be composited in the srgb color space unless otherwise specified.

Compositing should generally be applied in RGB-ish color spaces (sRGB, Display P3, A98 RGB, etc.). The algorithm is designed only for RGB-ish colors. Non-RGB-ish colors are likely to provide nonsense results.

Supported blend modes are:

Blend Modes      
normal multiply darken lighten
burn dodge screen overlay
hard-light exclusion difference soft-light
hue saturation luminosity color
color hue saturation luminosity

Supported Port Duff operators are:

clear copy destination source-over
destination-over source-in destination-in source-out
destination-out source-atop destination-atop xor
Parameters Defaults Description
colors A sequence of color strings, Color objects, and/or dictionaries representing a color.
blend None A blend mode to use to use when compositing. Values should be a string specifying the name of the blend mode to use. If None, normal will be used. If False, blending will be skipped.
operator None A Porter Duff operator to use for alpha compositing. Values should be a string specifying the name of the operator to use. If None, source-over will be used. If False, alpha compositing will be skipped.
space None A color space to perform the overlay in. If None, the base color's space will be used.
out_space None Color space that the new color should be in. If None, the return color will be in the same color space as specified by space.
Returns a reference to the new Color object.


def clip(
    space: str | None = None
) -> Color:
Performs simple clipping on color channels that are out of gamut.
Parameters Defaults Description
space None The color space that the color must be mapped to. If space is None, then the current color space will be used.
Returns a reference to the current Color after fitting its coordinates to the specified gamut.

def fit(
    space: str | None = None,
    method: str | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Color:

Fits color to the current or specified color gamut.

By default, lch-chroma gamut mapping is used. This is essentially an approach that holds lightness and hue constant in the CIELCh color space while reducing chroma until the color is in gamut. Clipping is done at each step of the way and the color distance measured to see how close our color is to the intended color.

The supported gamut mapping methods are:

Name Input
Clipping clip
OkLCh Chroma oklch-chroma
LCh Chroma lch-chroma

Some methods could have additional parameters to configure the behavior, these would be done through **kwargs. None of built-in gamut mapping methods currently have additional parameters.

Parameters Defaults Description
space None The color space that the color must be mapped to. If space is None, then the current color space will be used.
method None String that specifies which gamut mapping method to use. If None, lch-chroma will be used.
Returns a reference to the current Color after fitting its coordinates to the specified gamut.


def in_gamut(
    self, space: str | None = None,
    tolerance: float = util.DEF_FIT_TOLERANCE
) -> bool:
Checks if the current color is in the current or specified gamut.
Parameters Defaults Description
space None The color space that the color must be fit within. If space is None, then the current color space will be used.
tolerance 0.000075 Tolerance allowed when checking bounds of color.
Returns a boolean indicating whether the color is in the specified gamut.


def get(self,
    name: str,
    nans: bool = True,
    precision: int | Sequence[int] | None = None
) -> float:

def get(
    name: list[str] | tuple[str, ...],
    nans: bool = True,
    precision: int | Sequence[int] | None = None
) -> Vector:

def get(
    self, name: str | list[str] | tuple[str, ...],
    nans: bool = True,
    precision: int | Sequence[int] | None = None
) -> float | Vector:
Retrieves the coordinate value from the specified channel or values from a sequence of specified channels. Channels must be a channel name in the current color space or a channel name in the specified color space using the syntax:
Parameters Defaults Description
name Channel name or sequence of channel names. Channel names can define the color space and channel name to retrieve value from a different color space.
nans True Determines whether an undefined value is allowed to be returned. If disabled, undefined values will be resolved before returning.
precision None If precision is not None, the return value will be rounded according to the precision. If the precision is a sequence, each returned coordinate will be rounded according to the precision at the corresponding index in the sequence.

Returns a numerical value that is stored internally for the specified channel, or a calculated value in the case that a channel in a different color space is requested. If more than one value is requested, the a list of numerical values will be returned.


def set(
    name: str | dict[str, float | Callable[..., float]],
    value: float | Callable[..., float] | None = None,
    nans: bool = True
) -> Color:

Sets the given value to the specified channel. If the name is provided in the form, the value will be applied to the channel of the specified color space while keeping current color space the same.

The value can be a numerical value or a function that accepts a numerical channel value and returns a numerical channel value.

name can also be a dictionary of channels, each with a value. In this case, the value parameter of the function can be ignored.

This function returns the current colors reference so that multiple sets can be chained together.

Parameters Defaults Description
name A string containing a channel name or color space and channel separated by a . specifying the what channel to set. If value is omitted, name can also be a dictionary containing multiple channels, each specifying their own value to set.
value A numerical value, a string value accepted by the specified color space, or a function.
nans True When doing relative sets via a callback input, ensure the channel value passed to the callback is a real number, not an undefined value.
Returns a reference to the current Color object.


def coords(
    nans: bool = True,
    precision: int | Sequence[int] | None = None
) -> Vector:
Get the color channels (no alpha). If nans is set to False, all undefined values will be returned as defined.
Parameters Defaults Description
nans True If nans is set to False, all undefined values will be returned as defined.
precision None If precision is not None, the return value will be rounded according to the precision. If the precision is a sequence, each returned coordinate will be rounded according to the precision at the corresponding index in the sequence.
Returns a list of float values, one for each color channel.


def alpha(
    nans: bool = True,
    precision: int | None = None
) -> float:
Get the alpha channel's value. If nans is set to False, an undefined value will be returned as defined.
Parameters Defaults Description
nans True If nans is set to False, an undefined value will be returned as defined.
precision None If precision is not None, the return value will be rounded according to the precision.
Returns a float.


def is_achromatic(
) -> bool:
Can be called on any color to determine if the color is achromatic. If a color is achromatic, or very close to achromatic, it will return True.
Returns a boolean indicating whether the color is achromatic.


def is_nan(
    name: str
) -> bool:
Retrieves the coordinate value from the specified channel and checks whether the value is undefined (set to NaN). Channel must be a channel name in the current color space or a channel name in the specified color space using the syntax:
Parameters Defaults Description
name A string indicating what channel property to check.
Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified color space's channel is NaN.


def white(
) -> Vector:
Retrieves the white point for the current color's color space.
Returns a set of XYZ coordinates that align with the white point for the given color space.


def blackbody(
    temp: float,
    duv: float = 0.0,
    scale: bool = True,
    scale_space: str | None = None,
    out_space: str | None = None,
    method: str | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Color:
Creates a color from a temperature in Kelvin and an optional ∆uv. The color will be scaled within the linear RGB space specified by scale_space and can be disabled by setting scale to False. By default, the Ohno 2013 algorithm is used and can be configured via method.
Parameters Defaults Description
temp A positive temperature in Kelvin. Accepted range of temperature is based on the algorithm.
duv 0.0 An optional ∆uv specifying the distance from the black body curve.
scale True Scale the color with a linear RGB color space as defined by scale_space.
scale_space 'srgb-linear' If scale is enabled, scale_space defines the RGB color space in which the returned color should be scaled within. The color space should be a linear space for best results. If undefined, srgb-linear will be used.
out_space None Color space that the new color should be in. If None, the return color will be in the same color space as specified by space or xyz-d65 if space is None.
method None A string specifying the algorithm to use. By default robertson-1968 is used.
**kwargs Any plugin specific parameters to pass to the blackbody method.
Returns a reference to the current Color.


def cct(
    method: str | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Vector:
Returns the associated CCT and ∆uv for a given color. If the color is beyond an acceptable range for the algorithm or the color is very far from the locus, the result may be surprising.
Parameters Defaults Description
method None A string specifying the algorithm to use. By default robertson-1968 is used.
**kwargs Any plugin specific parameters to pass to the blackbody method.
Returns a list containing the correlated color temperature in Kelvin and the ∆uv.


def chromatic_adaptation(
    w1: tuple[float, float],
    w2: tuple[float, float],
    xyz: VectorLike,
    method: str | None = None
) -> Vector:
A class method that converts an XYZ set of coordinates between two given white points. The first white point must match the white point of the current coordinates and the second white point must be the desired white point to use. method dictates the method of chromatic adaptation to use.
Parameters Defaults Description
w1 Current white point of the XYZ coordinates.
w2 Desired white point of the XYZ coordinates.
xyz The XYZ coordinates to adapt.
method None The method of chromatic adaptation to use. If not specified, the current class's default method will be used.
Returns a set of XYZ coordinates that have been chromatically adapted to the desired white point.


def xy(
    white: VectorLike | None = None
) -> Vector:
Retrieves the CIE 1931 (x, y) chromaticity coordinates for a given color.
Parameters Defaults Description
white None Specify the white in which to chromatically adapt the points from, if none is specified, the current color's white point is assumed.
Returns a tuple of CIE 1931 (x, y) chromaticity points for the given color. The XYZ translation to xy will use the current color's white point to ensure the values are relative to the proper white point.


def uv(
    mode: str = '1976',
    white: VectorLike | None = None
) -> Vector:
Retrieves the UCS 1960 (u, v) chromaticity coordinates for a given color or the CIE 1976 UCS (u', v') chromaticity coordinates, the latter being the default.
Parameters Defaults Description
mode '1976' A string indicating what mode to use. 1976 refers to the (u', v') points as described by CIE 1976 UCS and 1960 describes the (u, v) points as documented by CIE 1960 UCS.
white None Specify the white in which to chromatically adapt the points from, if none is specified, the current color's white point is assumed.
Returns a tuple of (u, v) – either 1976 (u', v') or 1960 (u, v) – chromaticity points for the given color. The XYZ translation to uv will use the current color's white point to ensure the values are relative to the proper white point.


def get_chromaticity(
    cspace: str = 'uv-1976',
    white: VectorLike | None = None
) -> Vector:
Retrieves the 1931 xy, 1960 uv, or 1976 u'v' chromaticity coordinates with the luminance (Y). Coordinates are returned in the format specified by cspace and will use the white point of the current color.
Parameters Defaults Description
cspace 'uv-1976' A string indicating what chromaticity space to use. uv-1976 being the default.
white None Specify the white in which to chromatically adapt the points from, if none is specified, the current color's white point is assumed.
Returns a list of chromaticity coordinates. Results will either be in [x, y, Y] for 1931 xy, [u, v, Y] for 1960 uv, or [u', v', Y] for 1976 u'v'.


def chromaticity(
    space: str,
    coords: VectorLike,
    cspace: str = 'uv-1976',
    scale: bool = False,
    scale_space: str | None = None,
    white: VectorLike | None = None
) -> Color:
Returns a color that satisfies the provided chromaticity coordinates. Coordinates can be in the form 1931 xyY, 1960 uvY, or 1976 u'v'Y and can be configured via cspace. The target space to convert to should be specified via space. Chromaticity coordinates should math the white space of the targeted space, but if they are not the white point of the chromaticity coordinates can be specified with white.
Parameters Defaults Description
space Color space to chromaticities to.
coords The chromaticity coordinates. Values can be in either 3D form (with luminance Y).
cspace 'uv-1976' A string indicating what chromaticity space to use. uv-1976 being the default.
white None Specify the white in which to chromatically adapt the points from, if none is specified, the targeted color's white point is assumed.
scale True Scale the color with a linear RGB color space as defined by scale_space.
scale_space None If scale is enabled, scale_space defines the RGB color space in which the returned color should be scaled within. The color space should be a linear space for best results. If undefined, srgb-linear will be used.
Returns a reference to a new Color object that satisfies the chromaticity coordinates.


def convert_chromaticity(
    cspace1: str,
    cspace2: str,
    coords: VectorLike
) -> Vector:
Converts a 2D chromaticity pair from one chromaticity space to another. Supported spaces are xy-1931, uv-1960, and uv-1976.
Parameters Defaults Description
cspace1 Initial chromaticity space for the given coordinates.
cspace2 Target chromaticity space for the given coordinates.
coords The 2D chromaticity coordinates to convert.
Returns the converted 2D chromaticity coordinates.