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The Color Object

The Color object is where all the magic of ColorAide happens and provides access to all the color manipulation methods available. The Color object is used to represent a given color within a particular color space. In order to perform most operations, you will need to create a color instance to begin.

There are a number of ways to instantiate new colors. Here we will cover the basics of creating colors, cloning colors, converting colors, and a few other Color class specific topics.


The Color object contains all the logic to create and manipulate colors. It can be imported from coloraide.

from coloraide import Color

By default, the Color object registers only a subset of the available color spaces and features that are shipped with ColorAide. This keeps the object a bit lighter and provides the more commonly used color spaces and features. Color spaces, additional color distancing algorithms, gamut mapping algorithms, etc. are implemented via plugins. The normal way to get access to these additional spaces and features is to subclass the Color object and resister the desired spaces and features that are needed, but if you just want to explore all that ColorAide offers, you can import the ColorAll object from everything.

from coloraide.everything import ColorAll as Color

Custom Color Objects

To add more plugins or tweak color defaults, see Custom Color Classes for more.

Creating Colors

Once the Color class is imported, colors can be created using various forms of input, including: numerical inputs, dictionaries, CSS color strings, and even other Color instances.


Reference of supported color space IDs can be found here. Reference of color spaces that registered by default can be found here.

Numerical Inputs

The quickest way to create a color is by simply specifying the color space, color coordinates, and the optional alpha channel. Numerical inputs require very little processing, but it should be noted that inputs must be specified according to the way the color points are stored. Some people may be aware of the old CSS convention of specifying sRGB colors with a range of 0 - 255, but ColorAide stores these as values between 0 - 1. If transparency is omitted, transparency is assumed to be fully opaque, or a value of 1.

>>> Color("srgb", [0.5, 0, 1], 0.3)
color(srgb 0.5 0 1 / 0.3)
>>> Color("srgb", [0.5, 0, 1])
color(srgb 0.5 0 1 / 1)

Dictionary Inputs

It may be desired to store and retrieve colors from some serialized format such as JSON. To make this easier, ColorAide allows exporting and importing colors via dictionaries as well.

Dictionaries must define the space key and the coords key containing values for all of the color channels. The alpha channel is kept separate and can be omitted, and if so, will be assumed as 1.

>>> d = Color('purple').to_dict()
>>> print(d)
{'space': 'srgb', 'coords': [0.5019607843137255, 0.0, 0.5019607843137255], 'alpha': 1.0}
>>> Color(d)
color(srgb 0.50196 0 0.50196 / 1)

You can also control the precision of the output values with the precision parameter.

>>> d = Color('purple').to_dict(precision=3)
>>> print(d)
{'space': 'srgb', 'coords': [0.502, 0.0, 0.502], 'alpha': 1.0}
>>> Color(d)
color(srgb 0.502 0 0.502 / 1)

If you need to control channel precision separately for a given channel, you can provide a list of precision where each index in the list corresponds to the channel at that index. Omitted channels will assume default precision.

>>> d = Color('purple').set('alpha', 0.75).convert('lab').to_dict(precision=[0, 0, 0, 3])
>>> print(d)
{'space': 'lab', 'coords': [30.0, 56.0, -36.0], 'alpha': 0.75}
>>> Color(d)
color(--lab 30 56 -36 / 0.75)

New in 4.0: Precision Output Control

String Inputs

By default, ColorAide accepts input strings as outlined in the CSS color specification. Accepted syntax includes legacy CSS color formats as defined in CSS Level 3, but also allows for CSS Level 4 Color syntax!

>>> Color("red")
color(srgb 1 0 0 / 1)
>>> Color("#00ff00")
color(srgb 0 1 0 / 1)
>>> Color("rgb(0 0 255 / 1)")
color(srgb 0 0 1 / 1)

ColorAide supports all the color spaces as defined in the CSS Level 4 Color spec, but is not restricted to only supported CSS colors. In order to support color strings for all colors, ColorAide allows for non-CSS color spaces to be represented via the Level 4 CSS color() function. Essentially, we've adopted the color() function as the universal way in which to serialize color strings.

It should also be noted that color() can be used to describe any color regardless of whether it is supported in the CSS spec in this way or not. For any color that is not explicitly supported in CSS via the color() function, ColorAide will allow using this form if the color space uses a -- prefix for the color space identifier. Check the documentation of the given color space to discover the appropriate CSS identifier name.

>>> Color('color(--hsl 130 40% 75% / 0.5)')
color(--hsl 130 0.4 0.75 / 0.5)

Color Instance Inputs

If another color instance is passed as the input, a new color object will be created using the color data from the input. This essentially clones the passed object.

>>> c1 = Color('red')
>>> c2 = Color(c1)
>>> c1, c2
(color(srgb 1 0 0 / 1), color(srgb 1 0 0 / 1))

You can also use the new method to generate new colors from already instantiated color objects.

>>> color1 = Color("red")
>>> color1
color(srgb 1 0 0 / 1)
color(srgb 0 0 1 / 1)


If the Color class has be subclassed, this is an easy way to convert between the different subclasses, assuming the registered color spaces are compatible between the two different Color classes.


If you'd like to generate a random color, simply call Color.random with a given color space and one will be generated.

>>> [Color.random('srgb') for _ in range(10)]
[color(srgb 0.25273 0.78341 0.55548 / 1), color(srgb 0.48135 0.38376 0.13749 / 1), color(srgb 0.76347 0.63564 0.7797 / 1), color(srgb 0.6729 0.70078 0.78819 / 1), color(srgb 0.80994 0.62793 0.07867 / 1), color(srgb 0.70456 0.89809 0.87531 / 1), color(srgb 0.47136 0.37046 0.04282 / 1), color(srgb 0.05908 0.12256 0.12959 / 1), color(srgb 0.18069 0.75007 0.43238 / 1), color(srgb 0.86334 0.99555 0.10302 / 1)]

Ranges are based on the color space's defined channel range. For color spaces with defined gamuts, the values will be confined to appropriate ranges. For color space's without defined gamuts, the ranges may be quite arbitrary in some cases. For color spaces with no hard, defined gamut, or gamuts that far exceed practical usage it is recommend to fit the colors to whatever gamut you'd like, or simply use a target space with a clear defined gamut.

>>> Color.random('lab').fit('srgb')
color(--lab 49.337 73.814 -48.971 / 1)

Lastly, if you'd like to further constrain the limits, you can provide a list of constraints. A constraint should be a sequence of two values specifying the minimum and maximum for the channel. If None is provided, that constraint will be ignored. If the list doesn't have enough values, those missing indexes will be ignored. If the list has too many values, those extra values will be ignored.

>>> Color.random('srgb', limits=[(0.25, 0.75)] * 3)
color(srgb 0.40237 0.39453 0.48817 / 1)


The clone method is an easy way to duplicate the current color object.

Here we clone the green color object, giving us two.

>>> c1 = Color("green")
>>> c1
color(srgb 0 0.50196 0 / 1)
>>> c1.clone()
color(srgb 0 0.50196 0 / 1)


A color can be "updated" using another color input. When an update occurs, the current color is updated from the data of the second color, but the color space does not change. Using update is the equivalent of converting the second color to the color space of the first and then updating all the coordinates (including alpha). The input parameters are identical to the new method, so we can use a color object, a color string, dictionary, or even raw data points.

Here we update the color red to the color blue:

>>> Color("red")
color(srgb 1 0 0 / 1)
>>> Color("red").update(Color("blue"))
color(srgb 0 0 1 / 1)

Here we update the sRGB red with the color lch(80% 50 130).

>>> Color("red").update("lch(80% 50 130)")
color(srgb 0.60392 0.8398 0.48396 / 1)


Reference of supported color space IDs can be found here. Reference of color spaces that registered by default can be found here.


"Mutating" is similar to updating except that it will update the color and the color space from another color. The input parameters are identical to the new method, so we can use a color object, a color string, dictionary, or even raw data points.

In this example, the red color object literally becomes the specified CIELCh color of lch(80% 50 130).

>>> Color("red").mutate("lch(80% 50 130)")
color(--lch 80 50 130 / 1)


Colors can be converted to other color spaces as needed. Converting will always return a new color unless the in_place parameter is set to True, in which case, the current color will be mutated to the new converted color and a reference to itself is returned.

For instance, if we had a color yellow, and we needed to work with it in another color space, we could simply call the convert method with the desired color space.

>>> Color('yellow').convert("lab")
color(--lab 97.607 -15.75 93.394 / 1)


Reference of supported color space IDs can be found here. Reference of color spaces that registered by default can be found here.

Color Matching

As previously mentioned, the Color() object can parse CSS style string inputs. The string matching logic is exposed via the match method. We can simply pass match a string, and, if the string is a valid color, a ColorMatch object will be returned. The ColorMatch object has a simple structure that contains the matched color as a Color object, and the start and end points it was located at.

>>> Color.match("red")
ColorMatch(color=color(srgb 1 0 0 / 1), start=0, end=3)

By default it matches at the start of the buffer and returns a color if it finds one. If desired, we can do a fullmatch which requires the entire buffer to match a color.

>>> Color.match("red and yellow")
ColorMatch(color=color(srgb 1 0 0 / 1), start=0, end=3)
>>> Color.match("red and yellow", fullmatch=True)

We can also adjust the start position of the search. In this case, by adjusting the start position to 8 characters later, we will match yellow instead of red.

>>> Color.match("red and yellow", start=8)
ColorMatch(color=color(srgb 1 1 0 / 1), start=8, end=14)

A method to find all colors in a buffer is not currently provided as looping through all the color spaces and matching all potential colors on every character is not really efficient. Additionally, some buffers may require additional context that is not available to the match function. If such behavior is desired, it is recommended to apply some additional logic to sniff out areas with high likelihood of having a color.

In the following example, we construct a regular expression to find places within the buffer that potentially have a valid color. As the buffer is an HTML document we also want to incorporate some context to avoid matching HTML entities or color names that are part of a CSS variable.

Once we've crafted our regular expression, we can search the buffer to find locations in the buffer that are likely to be colors. Then we can run Color.match() on those positions within the buffer to see if we find a valid color. This ends up being much more efficient!

>>> import re
>>> from coloraide import Color
>>> RE_COLOR_START = re.compile(
...     r"""(?ix)
...     (?:
...         # CSS functions
...         \b(?<![-#&$])(?:color\((?!\s*-)|(?:hsla?|(?:ok)?(?:lch|lab)|hwb|rgba?)\()|
...         # Color words
...         \b(?<![-#&$])[\w]{3,}(?![(-])\b|
...         # Hex codes
...         (?<![&])\#
...     )
...     """
... )
>>> text = """
... <html>
... <head>
... <style>
... body {
...     background-color: red;
...     color: yellow;
... }
... </style>
... </head>
... <body>
... <p>This is a test <span style="background-color: #000088; color: lch(75% 50 50)">test</span></p>
... </body>
... </html>
... """
>>> for m in RE_COLOR_START.finditer(text):
...     start = m.start()
...     mcolor = Color.match(text, start=start)
...     if mcolor is not None:
...         mcolor.color.to_string()
'rgb(255 0 0)'
'rgb(255 255 0)'
'rgb(0 0 136)'
'lch(75 50 50)'

Custom Color Classes

The Color object was created to be extensible and has implemented various functionalities as plugins. Things like color spaces, distancing algorithms, filters, etc. are all implemented as plugins. In order to keep things light, ColorAide does not register all the of the plugins by default unless the user as imported the ColorAll object.

Additionally, ColorAide has implemented a number of defaults that can be tweaked within the Color class to alter how things are handled.

Creating a custom class allows for a user to change some of the default settings and add or remove plugins to gain access to more color spaces, distancing algorithms, filters, and other functionality.

In general, it is always recommended to subclass the Color object when setting up custom preferences or adding or removing plugins. This prevents modifying the base class which may affect other libraries relying on the module. When Color is subclassed, it is safe to then update global overrides or register and deregister plugins without the worry of affecting the base class.

Override Default Settings

ColorAide has a number of preferences that can be altered in the Color class. Most of these options can be configured on demand when calling into a related function that uses them, but it may be useful to set them up one time on a new Color object.

>>> class Color2(Color):
...     PRECISION = 3
>>> Color('rgb(128.12345 0 128.12345)').to_string()
'rgb(128.12 0 128.12)'
>>> Color2('rgb(128.12345 0 128.12345)').to_string()
'rgb(128 0 128)'
Properties Defaults Description
FIT "lch-chroma" The default gamut mapping method used by the Color object.
INTERPOLATE "oklab" The default color space used for interpolation.
INTERPOLATOR "linear" The default interpolator to use.
DELTA_E "76" The default ∆E algorithm used. This applies to when delta_e() is called without specifying a method or when using color distancing to separate color when using the interpolation method called steps.
PRECISION 5 The default precision for string outputs.
CHROMATIC_ADAPTATION "bradford" Chromatic adaptation method used when converting between two color spaces with different white points. See Chromatic Adaptation for more information.
HARMONY "oklch" Default color space to use for calculating color harmonies. This should be a cylindrical color space.
CONTRAST "wcag21" Default contrast algorithm.
AVERAGE "average" Default color space for averaging.
CCT "robertson-1968 Default CCT method.
POWERLESS False Experimental option that controls default powerless interpolation behavior. If True, if a color is considered achromatic, but has an explicit hue, it will be treated as powerless during interpolation.
CARRYFORWARD False Experimental option that controls default carrying-forward behavior during interpolation. If True, supported, undefined values will be carried over to the interpolating color space after conversion.


Currently, color spaces, delta E methods, chromatic adaptation, filters, contrast, interpolation, and gamut mapping methods are exposed as plugins. As previously mentioned, Color does not register all plugins, and ColorAll is often more than a user needs by default. Registering exactly what you need is normally the recommend approach when more functionality is required.

While we won't go into a lot of details about creating plugins here, we will go over how to register new plugins and deregister existing plugins. To learn more about creating plugins, checkout the plugin documentation.

Registration is performed by the register method. It can take a single plugin or a list of plugins. Based on the plugin's type, The Color object will determine how to properly register the plugin. If the plugin attempts to overwrite a plugin already registered with the same name (as dictated by the plugin) the operation will fail. If overwrite is set to True, the overwrite will not fail and the new plugin will be registered with the specified name in place of the existing plugin.

>>> from coloraide import Color
>>> from coloraide.spaces.xyy import xyY
>>> try:
...     Color('red').convert('xyy')
... except:
...     print('Nope')
>>> class Custom(Color): ...
>>> Custom.register(xyY())
>>> Custom('red').convert('xyy')
color(--xyy 0.64 0.33 0.21264 / 1)

Used in conjunction with default settings override, we can not only change a default ∆E, but we can alter a ∆E method's configuration by registering it with different defaults:

>>> Color('red').delta_e('blue', method='cmc')
>>> from coloraide.distance.delta_e_cmc import DECMC
>>> class Custom(Color):
...     DELTA_E = "cmc"
>>> Custom.register(DECMC(l=1, c=1), overwrite=True)
>>> Custom('red').delta_e('blue')

If a deregistration is desired, the deregister method can be used. It takes a string that describes the plugin to deregister: category:name.

Valid categories are space, delta-e, cat, contrast, filter, interpolate, fit, and cct.

If the given plugin is not found, an error will be thrown, but if this notification is found to be unnecessary, silent can be enabled and the there will be no error thrown.

>>> class Custom(Color): ...
>>> Custom.deregister('space:lab-d65')
>>> try:
...     Custom('red').convert('lab-d65')
... except ValueError:
...     print('Could not convert to Lab D65 as it is no longer registered')
Could not convert to Lab D65 as it is no longer registered

Use of * with deregister will remove all plugins. Use of category:* will remove all plugins of that category.