The XYZ D50 color space is registered in Color
by default
Name: xyz-d50
White Point: D50 / 2˚
Name | Range* |
x | [0, 1] |
y | [0, 1] |
z | [0, 1] |
* Space is not bound to the range and is only used as a reference to define percentage inputs/outputs.
Figure 1. The sRGB gamut represented within the XYZ D50 color space.
XYZ D50 is the same as XYZ D65 except it uses a D50 white point.
Channel Aliases
Channels | Aliases |
x | |
y | |
z |
Parsed input and string output formats support all valid CSS forms:
color(xyz-d50 x y z / a) // Color function
When manually creating a color via raw data or specifying a color space as a parameter in a function, the color space name is always used:
Color("xyz-d50", [0, 0, 0], 1)
The string representation of the color object and the default string output will be in the color(xyz x y z / a)
>>> Color("xyz-d50", [0.43607, 0.22249, 0.01392])
color(xyz-d50 0.43607 0.22249 0.01392 / 1)
>>> Color("xyz-d50", [0.58098, 0.49223, 0.05045]).to_string()
'color(xyz-d50 0.58098 0.49223 0.05045)'
from coloraide import Color as Base
from coloraide.spaces.xyz_d50 import XYZD50
class Color(Base): ...