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CCT plugins allow you to calculate a color from a CCT and ∆uv or calculate a CCT and ∆uv from a color.

Plugin Class

class CCT(Plugin, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """Delta E plugin class."""

    NAME = ''

    def to_cct(self, color: Color, **kwargs: Any) -> Vector:
        """Calculate a color's CCT."""

    def from_cct(
        color: type[Color],
        space: str,
        kelvin: float,
        duv: float,
        scale: bool,
        scale_space: str | None,
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Color:
        """Calculate a color that satisfies the CCT."""

Once registered, the plugin can then be used via the cct() or blackbody() methods by passing its NAME via the method parameter.

Color('orange').cct(method=NAME, **kwargs)
Color.blackbody(space, kelvin, duv, method=NAME, **kwargs)

If you'd like the user to configure the plugin on registration, you can define an __init__ method. To register the plugin, just the register() method.
