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Contrast returns a numerical value that is meant to determine how much visual contrast exists between two colors. While the current default is agnostic to ordering of the colors, some algorithms can be sensitive to order.

Plugin Class

class ColorContrast(Plugin, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """Color contrast plugin class."""

    NAME = ''

    def contrast(self, color1: 'Color', color2: 'Color', **kwargs: Any) -> float:
        """Get the contrast of the two provided colors."""

Once registered, the plugin can then be used via contrast by passing its NAME via the method parameter along with a secondary color (color2) representing the background color. The calling color (color1) will be considered the text color. Any additional key word arguments can be specified to override default behavior. The "contrast" will be returned as a float.

color1.contrast(color2, method=NAME, **kwargs)

If you'd like the user to be able to set specific defaults, you can define an __init__ method and manage defaults accordingly. Defaults can be passed in when instantiating a new plugin.
