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Color Space


All color spaces supported by ColorAide are specified via color space plugins. These Space objects specify color channel properties, gamut bounds, input matching/parsing logic, string output logic, conversion to and from a specified base color, etc.

Color space plugins are a little more complex compared to Delta E, Fit, and other plugins.

Plugin Class

In general, a color space plugin is created by subclassing from coloraide.spaces.Space. When defining a color space, there are a couple things that must be defined. Using XYZ as an example, we will go over them.

from coloraide import cat
from coloraide.channels import Channel

class XYZD65(Space):
    """XYZ D65 class."""

    # A base color though which a color is converted through.
    # XYZ is our absolute base, so it doesn't have a real base,
    # but something like HSL might have a base color of `srgb`.
    BASE = "xyz-d65"

    # The name of the color space.
    NAME = "xyz-d65"

    # One or more accepted identifiers that are allowed for the `color(space ...)` format.
    # For this this specific color space, both `color(xyz x y z / a)` and `color(xyz-d65 x y z / a)` are accepted.
    # As `xyz` is listed first, `xyz` is the default used when printing in this format.
    SERIALIZE = ("xyz-d65", "xyz")

    # Specify channel attributes, bounds, etc. of the non-alpha color channels.
    # Each channel is defined via a `Channel` object
    #class Channel(str):
    #    """Channel."""
    #    def __new__(
    #        cls,
    #        name: str,
    #        low: float,
    #        high: float,
    #        bound: bool = False,
    #        flags: int = 0,
    #        limit: Tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None),
    #        nans: float = 0.0
    #    ) -> 'Channel':
    # - `name`: The name of the channel.
    # - `low`: Lower limit of the channel, for unbound channels, the value will be arbitrary.
    # - `high`: Upper limit of the channel, for unbound channels, the value will be arbitrary.
    # - `bound`: Whether the channel enforces the gamut range.
    # - `limit`: Optional upper and lower limit. Used to define a hard limit for the channel that is clamped
    #            when the channel is set. This differs from gamut boundaries which can be exceeded until gamut
    #            mapping occurs. For instance, `chroma` often enforces no values below zero as these values
    #            do not naturally occur, not even with normal out of gamut colors. So, we could clamp the lower
    #            bound: `(0, None)`.
    # - `flags`: Flags used to provide additional context for the channel.
    # - `nans`: Default value to use for a given channel when it is undefined. More advanced handling can be
    #           done by overriding `resolve_channel()` on the color space object.
    # The following flags are supported:
    # - FLG_ANGLE: denotes that channel is a angle or degree value.
    # - FLG_PERCENT: denotes the value is considered a percent input. This is usually used in named CSS functions
    #                like `hsl()` which require string inputs for saturation and lightness to always be in a
    #                percentage format. The CSS `color()` function ignores this flags as no channels are always
    #                required to be percentages. Percentage range will be determined by `high` and `low`.
    # - FLG_OPT_PERCENT: denotes the value can optionally be considered as a percent.
    #                    This is also only used for CSS string input and output. CSS `oklab()`, `lab()`, `oklch()`,
    #                    `lch()`, and `srgb()` allow for channels to be provided as percentages or normal
    #                    numbers in certain cases. This tells the parser and serializer which channels allow this.
    #                    Percentage range will be determined by `high` and `low`.
    # - FLG_MIRROR_PERCENT: The channel, when importing or exporting to a percent should mirror the percentage
    #                       for negative values. This is used mainly in Lab and Lab like spaces which have `a`
    #                       `b` channels that allow for both negative and positive values. If set, `high` and `low`
    #                       should fulfill `abs(low) == high`.
    CHANNELS = (
        Channel("x", 0.0, 1.0),
        Channel("y", 0.0, 1.0),
        Channel("z", 0.0, 1.0)

    # A dictionary containing a mapping of aliases to `name` attribute of `CHANNELS` found above.

    # If you'd like this color space to parse as and export a `color(space ...)` format.
    # If set to `False` the space will not recognize the color format as an input.
    # This only affects input matching. To override output of the color format, you will also
    # need to override the `to_string` method.

    # Specify the white point that the color space uses
    # White point should be a `tuple` containing the x and y chromaticity points.
    # Some basic ones are provided in the `cat` module for both 2 degree and 10 degree observer.
    WHITE = cat.WHITES['2deg']['D65']

    # Some color spaces are a transform of a specific RGB color space gamut, e.g. HSL has a gamut of sRGB.
    # When testing or gamut mapping a color within the current color space's gamut, `GAMUT_CHECK` will
    # declare which space must be used as reference if anything other than the current space is required.
    # Specifically, when testing if a color is in gamut, both the origin space and the specified gamut
    # space will be checked as sometimes a color is within the threshold of being "close enough" to the gamut,
    # but the color can still be far outside the origin space's coordinates. Checking both ensures sane values
    # that are also close enough to the gamut.
    # When actually gamut mapping, only the gamut space is used, if none is specified, the origin space is used.
    GAMUT_CHECK = None

    # `CLIP_SPACE` forces a different space to be used for clipping than what is specified by `GAMUT_CHECK`.
    # This is used in cases like HSL where the `GAMUT_CHECK` space is sRGB, but we want to clip in HSL as it
    # is still reasonable and faster.
    CLIP_SPACE = None

    # What is the color space's dynamic range
    DYNAMIC_RANGE = 'sdr'

    # To and from conversion functions that transform the color to and from the `BASE` color.
    def to_base(self, coords: Vector) -> Vector:
        To XYZ (no change).

        Any needed chromatic adaptation is handled in the parent Color object.

        return coords

    def from_base(self, coords: Vector) -> Vector:
        From XYZ (no change).

        Any needed chromatic adaptation is handled in the parent Color object.

        return coords

Once registered, colors can be created using the NAME via normal instantiation methods or conversions:

Color(NAME, [...])

By default, assuming COLOR_FORMAT is True, color strings will be parsed in the following format, where SERIALIZE is one one of the IDs specified via the SERIALIZE plugin property.

Color('color(SERIALIZE ...)')

Plugin Defaults

It is important to note that color space plugins are often not isolated. They are convert to from some BASE color and may be a BASE color for some other color space. Essentially, color spaces are chained together via the BASE property to ensure proper conversion to and from the color space. Because of this, it is not advisable to have any configurable defaults that would fundamentally change how the color coordinates are calculated, as such a change could affect not only the targeted color space, but other color spaces up and down the color conversion change.

If configuration of a color space's fundamental calculations of coordinates is desired, it is recommended that the given Space plugin gets subclassed and provided a new NAME, along with SERIALIZE IDs that do not conflict with other spaces. Such changes would include changing a white point, changing viewing conditions, and even changing the algorithm for color space conversion.

Defaults can be provided and configured via an __init__ method, but it is strongly recommended that only superficial things are controlled by such options, like controlling recognized input/output string formats.

Additionally, if provided an __init__, it is required that super().__init__() also gets called.

Chromatic Adaptation

Chromatic adaptation is usually applied to a color when it is passing from one XYZ color space to another XYZ color space that has a different white point. In ColorAide, any time XYZ D65 is either the target or origin color, and the other color space has a different white point, the XYZ coordinates, will either be adapted to XYZ D65 or XYZ (new white point) respectively. This all happens without The Space plugin needing to do anything additional.

White points are specified via the WHITE property, and should contain a tuple of xy coordinates of the white point.

Achromatic Rules

A given color space can define its rules for determining whether a color is achromatic. If one is not defined, the color will be convert to XYZ D65 and its achromatic method will be used. In order to have reasonably fast checks, it is better to evaluate the achromatic state without converting to another color. In order to define achromatic rules, simply override is_achromatic(). For instance, LCh is achromatic when chroma is very close to zero:

    def is_achromatic(self, coords: Vector) -> bool | None:
        """Check if color is achromatic."""

        return coords[1] < ACHROMATIC_THRESHOLD

Coordinate Normalization

There are some color spaces that can have multiple representations of the same color. For instance, in many cylindrical color spaces, a negative chroma/saturation, while technically considered invalid, can often represent a positive form of the same color. For instance, the CIE LCh to CIE Lab algorithm converts a negative chroma back to Lab just fine. HSL can generate negative saturation for some HDR colors but will round trip back to the original color.

A color space can specify a normalized form of itself via the Space.normalize() method. This method is called anytime Color.normalize() is called. Additionally, when clipping colors, this is also called so that clipping is performed on the normalized form of the color and does not incorrectly cutoff chroma/saturation.

It should be noted that undefined channels are not handled in this method.

Below shows an example for most LCh spaces. Hues are constrained to [0, 360) and negative chroma colors have their hue rotated 180˚ and the chroma is set to the absolute value. Some cylindrical spaces, and even LCh like spaces, may require a different approach, but this is generally true for many.

class LCh(LChish, Space):
    """LCh class."""

    CHANNELS = (
        Channel("l", 0.0, 1.0),
        Channel("c", 0.0, 1.0),
        Channel("h", 0.0, 360.0, flags=FLG_ANGLE)
        "lightness": "l",
        "chroma": "c",
        "hue": "h"

    def normalize(self, coords: Vector) -> Vector:
        """Normalize coordinates."""

        if coords[1] < 0:
            coords[1] *= -1.0
            coords[2] += 180.0
        coords[2] %= 360.0
        return coords

Resolve Undefined Values

By default, undefined color channels are resolved as 0, but there are color spaces where zero just does not work well for a given channel. Such color spaces can choose a different default for undefined values. Generally, 0 is encouraged, but if zero is fundamentally a bad value for a color space and/or can decrease accuracy of colors, a different default can be specified when defining a channel on the color space via the nans parameter.

class ACEScct(sRGB):
    """The ACEScct color class."""

    BASE = "acescg"
    NAME = "acescct"
    SERIALIZE = ("--acescct",)
    WHITE = (0.32168, 0.33767)
    CHANNELS = (
        Channel("r", CCT_MIN, CCT_MAX, bound=True, nans=CCT_MIN),
        Channel("g", CCT_MIN, CCT_MAX, bound=True, nans=CCT_MIN),
        Channel("b", CCT_MIN, CCT_MAX, bound=True, nans=CCT_MIN)

If the channel requires more advanced handling, you can override resolve_channel() on the color space itself:

    def resolve_channel(self, index: int, coords: Vector) -> float:
        """Resove channels."""

        if index in (1, 2):
            if not math.isnan(coords[index]):
                return coords[index]

            return self.ACHROMATIC.get_ideal_ab(coords[0])[index - 1]

        value = coords[index]
        return self.channels[index].nans if math.isnan(value) else value


ColorAide provides some various mixins for some common color space types. It should be noted that all cylindrical type color mixins are derived from Cylindrical. Regular is used for normal, 3 channel color spaces usually with ranges of [0, 1], CMY and sRGB as examples.

class Cylindrical:
    """Cylindrical space."""

    def radial_name(self) -> str:
        """Radial name."""

        return ""

    def hue_name(self) -> str:
        """Hue channel name."""

        return "h"

    def hue_index(self) -> int:
        """Get hue index."""

        return cast('Space', self).get_channel_index(self.hue_name())

    def radial_index(self) -> int:
        """Get radial index."""

        return self.get_channel_index(self.radial_name())
class Regular:
    """Regular, 3 channel color space usually with range of [0, 1].
class RGBish(Regular):
    """RGB-ish space."""

    def names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        """Return RGB-ish names in order R G B."""

        return self.channels[:-1]

    def indexes(self) -> list[int]:
        """Return the index of RGB-ish channels."""

        return [self.get_channel_index(name) for name in self.names()]
class HSLish(Cylindrical):
    """HSL-ish space."""

    def radial_name(self) -> str:
        """Radial name."""

        return "s"

    def names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        """Return HSL-ish names in order H S L."""

        return self.channels[:-1]

    def indexes(self) -> list[int]:
        """Return the index of HSL-ish channels."""

        return [self.get_channel_index(name) for name in self.names()]
class HSVish(Cylindrical):
    """HSV-ish space."""

    def radial_name(self) -> str:
        """Radial name."""

        return "s"

    def names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        """Return HSV-ish names in order H S V."""

        return self.channels[:-1]

    def indexes(self) -> list[int]:
        """Return the index of HSV-ish channels."""

        return [self.get_channel_index(name) for name in self.names()]
class HWBish(Cylindrical):
    """HWB-ish space."""

    def radial_name(self) -> str:
        """Radial name."""

        return "w"

    def names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        """Return HWB-ish names in order H W B."""

        return self.channels[:-1]

    def indexes(self) -> list[int]:
        """Return the index of HWB-ish channels."""

        return [self.get_channel_index(name) for name in self.names()]
class Labish:
    """Lab-ish color spaces."""

    def names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        """Return Lab-ish names in the order L a b."""

        return self.channels[:-1]

    def indexes(self) -> list[int]:
        """Return the index of the Lab-ish channels."""

        return [self.get_channel_index(name) for name in self.names()]
class LChish(Cylindrical):
    """LCh-ish color spaces."""

    def radial_name(self) -> str:
        """Radial name."""

        return "c"

    def names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        """Return LCh-ish names in the order L c h."""

        return self.channels[:-1]

    def indexes(self) -> list[int]:
        """Return the index of the Lab-ish channels."""

        return [self.get_channel_index(name) for name in self.names()]

Mix-in classes are mainly available so that a color space can be inspected to see if it falls into a specific generic color space type in order to allow for some generic handling of the color. For instance, you may not care specifically what color space you are dealing with, but you may want to extract the hue from all cylindrical spaces, or grab the lightness (or lightness equivalent) from all Lab-ish color spaces.

The mix-in classes provide methods mainly to extract expected channels on color spaces that may use different names for similar channels or to determine the index of a specific channel type. Occasionally, these methods may need to be overridden for a color space.

Below, we can see that both jzazbz and ictcp identify as Lab-ish spaces. If we just care about accessing the equivalent of Lab lightness on these spaces, we can simply can access them with the following logic.

>>> from coloraide.spaces import Labish
>>> srgb = Color('red')
>>> jzazbz = srgb.convert('jzazbz')
>>> ictcp = srgb.convert('ictcp')
>>> for c in (srgb, jzazbz, ictcp):
...     if isinstance(c._space, Labish):
...         print('color: ', c)
...         l = c._space.names()[0]
...         print('channel: ', l)
...         print('value: ', c.get(l))
color:  color(jzazbz 0.13438 0.11789 0.11188 / 1)
channel:  jz
value:  0.13438473104350065
color:  color(ictcp 0.42788 -0.1157 0.27873 / 1)
channel:  i
value:  0.4278802843622844

Adding New Input/Output Formats

One common thing that may be desired is altering an existing color space to accept and output a specialized format. While using hex color codes or rgb() formats are fairly common, there are many places were other forms are used to represent colors. It may be beneficial for a user working with colors in some more obscure form to repurpose a color space to handle different input/output formats.

The base of every color space is defined to accept and output the color(space ...) format. As this is a common input form across all color spaces, it is handled generically for all spaces in one action for performance reasons. Iterating each color space to perform the same match with a different color spaces name is obviously slower. A color can opt out of this input format by simply setting COLOR_FORMAT to False. This only disables input parsing. In order to disable this format during serialization the color space's #py3 to_string() method would need to be overridden.

New, per color space matching logic can be achieved by simply by overriding the match() method. If it is desired to also accept the color(space ...) format, just keep the COLOR_FORMAT flag enabled; otherwise, disable it.

As an example, let's consider the default sRGB space. We wanted to add additional CSS formats in addition to the color(space ...) format. While we won't go into the specific parsing logic, the general top-level logic can be seen below.

We simply override the match() method and call into our CSS parser. The parser will handle the appropriate syntax for our color spaces. It is not configured to process the color(space ...) format as that is already handled more efficiently when with COLOR_FORMAT enabled. Also, notice that match() is expected to return two things: a tuple containing the color channel coordinates and the alpha value, and the end position (([r, g, b], a), end). If the match fails, it simply returns None.

from coloraide.spaces import srgb as base
from coloraide.css import parse

class sRGB(base.sRGB):
    """sRGB class."""

    # This color class should opt into the generic `color(space ...)` input format.
    # This is `True` by default, but shown for demonstration purposes.

    # If the color format above is not found, continue with our custom match to handle all other formats.
    def match(
        string: str,
        start: int = 0,
        fullmatch: bool = True
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[Vector, float], int] | None:
        """Match a CSS color string."""

        return parse.parse_css(self, string, start, fullmatch)

Additionally, we control the output formats by overriding the to_string() function. We ensure that it accepts all the parameters we need, in our case we accept the common parameters and later check for our special inputs in kwargs.

    def to_string(
        parent: 'Color',
        alpha: bool | None = None,
        precision: int | None = None,
        fit: Union[bool, str] = True,
        none: bool = False,
        color: bool = False,
        hex: bool = False,
        names: bool = False,
        comma: bool = False,
        upper: bool = False,
        percent: bool = False,
        compress: bool = False,
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> str:
        """Convert to CSS."""

        return serialize.serialize_css(

As all ColorAide color spaces are defined as plugins, there should be ample examples to help someone start writing a new color space.