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While pyluxa4 provides a CLI interface for starting a server and commands that control a Luxafor device, you can also use pyluxa4 to control the device directly through the USB without the server directly using. If you wish to control the device directly from your own Python scripts, simply import the usb library:

from pyluxa4 import usb

Then you can connect to a Luxafor device:

with usb.Luxafor(index=0) as luxafor:
    luxafor.fade("red", speed=10, wait=True)
    luxafor.fade("green", speed=10, wait=True)

You can also use it without with:

device = usb.Luxafor(index=0)
luxafor.fade("red", speed=10, wait=True)
luxafor.fade("green", speed=10, wait=True)



Constant Alias Value
LED_ALL 0xff
LED_1 1
LED_2 2
LED_3 3
LED_4 4
LED_5 5
LED_6 6


Constant Alias Value
WAVE_5 5


Constant Alias Value


Enumerate Luxafor devices returning a list of the available devices:

>>> import pyluxa4.usb as usb
>>> usb.enumerate_luxafor()
[{'path': b'\\\\?\\hid#vid_04d8&pid_f372#6&38a95344&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}', 'vendor_id': 1240, 'product_id': 62322, 'serial_number': None, 'release_number': 256, 'manufacturer_string': 'Microchip Technology Inc.', 'product_string': 'LUXAFOR FLAG', 'usage_page': 65280, 'usage': 1, 'interface_number': -1}]


class Luxafor:
    """Class to control Luxafor device."""

    def __init__(self, index=0, path=None):

Luxafor is the class that connects to the Luxafor USB device.

Parameters Description
index Index of the HID USB device as returned by enumerate_luxafor().
path The path of the HID USB device as returned by enumerate_luxafor().


def close(self):
    """Close Luxafor device."""

Close the connection to the Luxafor device.

def off(self):
    """Set all LEDs to off."""

Sets all the LEDs of the Luxafor device off.


def basic_color(self, color):
    Build basic color command.

    Byte 0: Report number (Luxafor flag only has 0)
    Byte 1: Color: R, G, B, C, M, Y, W, O
    Byte 2: NA
    Byte 3: NA
    Byte 4: NA
    Byte 5: NA
    Byte 6: NA
    Byte 7: NA
    Byte 8: NA


Using the built-in color codes, set all the LEDs to the color.

Parameters Description
color A string with either the values R (red), G (green), B (blue), C (cyan), M (magenta), Y (yellow), or O (off).


def color(self, color, *, led=LED_ALL):
    Build static color command.

    Byte 0: Report number: 0 (Luxafor flag only has 0)
    Byte 1: Command Mode: 1
    Byte 2: LED: 1-6, 0x42 (back), 0x41 (front), 0xFF (all)
    Byte 3: Red channel: 0-255
    Byte 4: Green channel: 0-255
    Byte 5: Blue channel: 0-255
    Byte 6: NA
    Byte 7: NA
    Byte 8: NA


Set LEDs to the specified colors. Each LED can be controlled individually. If a built-in color code is used, the command will revert to basic_color functionality, which means led specifics will be ignored and all LED will be set.

Parameters Description
color Color is specified by a string with hex RGB color codes in the form of #RRGGBB or #RGB. You can also use any CSS webcolor name, such as red, green, etc. off is treated like black which turns all LEDs off.
led Specific LEDs can be specified to control (1-6). You can also set all the front LEDs with 0x41, all the back LEDs with 0x42, or all the LEDs with 0xff. See LED constants.


def fade(self, color, *, led=LED_ALL, speed=1, wait=False):
    Build fade command.

    Byte 0: Report number: 0 (Luxafor flag only has 0)
    Byte 1: Command Mode: 2
    Byte 2: LED: 1-6, 0x42 (back), 0x41 (front), 0xFF (all)
    Byte 3: Red channel: 0-255
    Byte 4: Green channel: 0-255
    Byte 5: Blue channel: 0-255
    Byte 6: Fade speed: 0-255
    Byte 7: NA
    Byte 8: NA


Fade a color in (or out if the color is off or black). Each LED can be controlled individually via led. The duration/speed of the fade can also be controlled. If desired, you can wait for the command to complete as well. Commands that employ repeat=0 will continue forever, so wait will not be considered for infinite loops.

Parameters Description
color Color is specified by a string with hex RGB color codes in the form of #RRGGBB or #RGB. You can also use any CSS webcolor name, such as red, green, etc. off is treated like black which turns all LEDs off.
led Specific LEDs can be specified to control (1-6). You can also set all the front LEDs with 0x41, all the back LEDs with 0x42, or all the LEDs with 0xff. See LED constants.
speed Speed at which the color will be faded (0-255). Lower is generally faster.
repeat How many times to repeat the fade effect (0-255). 0 will cause the effect to repeat forever.
wait Wait for the command to complete. Wait will be ignored if repeat is 0.


def strobe(self, color, *, led=LED_ALL, speed=0, repeat=0, wait=False):
    Build strobe command.

    Byte 0: Report number: 0 (Luxafor flag only has 0)
    Byte 1: Command Mode: 3
    Byte 2: LED: 1-6, 0x42 (back), 0x41 (front), 0xFF (all)
    Byte 3: Red channel: 0-255
    Byte 4: Green channel: 0-255
    Byte 5: Blue channel: 0-255
    Byte 6: Speed: 0-255
    Byte 7: NA
    Byte 8: Repeat: 0-255


Strobe the LEDs with the specified color. Each LED can be controlled individually via led. You can also control the speed and how many times the strobe repeats. If desired, you can wait for the command to complete as well. Commands that employ repeat=0 will continue forever, so wait will not be considered for infinite loops.

Parameters Description
color Color is specified by a string with hex RGB color codes in the form of #RRGGBB or #RGB. You can also use any CSS webcolor name, such as red, green, etc. off is treated like black which turns all LEDs off.
led Specific LEDs can be specified to control (1-6). You can also set all the front LEDs with 0x41, all the back LEDs with 0x42, or all the LEDs with 0xff. See LED constants.
speed Speed at which the color will strobe (0-255). Lower is generally faster.
repeat How many times to repeat the strobe effect (0-255). 0 will cause the effect to repeat forever.
wait Wait for the command to complete. Wait will be ignored if repeat is 0.


def wave(self, color, *, wave=WAVE_SHORT, speed=0, repeat=0, wait=False):
    Build wave command.

    Byte 0: Report number: 0 (Luxafor flag only has 0)
    Byte 1: Command Mode: 4
    Byte 2: Wave type: 1-5
    Byte 3: Red channel: 0-255
    Byte 4: Green channel: 0-255
    Byte 5: Blue channel: 0-255
    Byte 6: NA
    Byte 7: Repeat: 0-255
    Byte 8: Speed: 0-255


Apply a wave effect using the specified color across the LEDs. You can control the speed and how many times the wave is repeated. If desired, you can wait for the command to complete as well. Commands that employ repeat=0 will continue forever, so wait will not be considered for infinite loops.

Parameters Description
color Color is specified by a string with hex RGB color codes in the form of #RRGGBB or #RGB. You can also use any CSS webcolor name, such as red, green, etc. off is treated like black which turns all LEDs off.
wave Specify the desired wave pattern. See the wave constants.
speed Speed at which the color will apply the wave effect (0-255). Lower is generally faster.
repeat How many times to repeat the wave effect (0-255). 0 will cause the effect to repeat forever.
wait Wait for the command to complete. Wait will be ignored if repeat is 0.


def pattern(self, pattern, *, repeat=0, wait=False):
    Build pattern command.

    Byte 0: Report number: 0 (Luxafor flag only has 0)
    Byte 1: Command Mode: 6
    Byte 2: Pattern ID: 0-8
    Byte 3: Repeat: 0-255


Initiate one of the built-in patterns in the Luxafor device. You can also control how man times the pattern repeats. If desired, you can wait for the command to complete as well. Commands that employ repeat=0 will continue forever, so wait will not be considered for infinite loops.

Parameters Description
pattern Pattern code (1-8). See the pattern constants.
repeat How many times to repeat the pattern (0-255). 0 will cause the effect to repeat forever.
wait Wait for the command to complete. Wait will be ignored if repeat is 0.

Last update: November 13, 2023