7.0 Migration Notes
Tabbed Extension
A new extension called Tabbed has been added. With the arrival of this general purpose tabbed content extension, it has made the old SuperFences tabbed content feature redundant. By default, SuperFences will now change the classes it uses for it's tabbed feature to match those of the new Tabbed extension. CSS should be updated accordingly.
The classes that have changed are superfences-tabs
and superfences-content
, which have changed to tabbed-set
and tabbed-content
respectively. Example CSS is updated in SuperFences for reference.
To help with the transition though, you can quickly switch back to the old style classes by simply enabling the SuperFences' global option legacy_tab_classes
extension_configs = {
"pymdownx.superfences": {
"legacy_tab_classes": True
To learn more about migrating to the Tabbed extension, checkout the Tabbed documentation.
SuperFences' tab content feature will be removed in 8.0. There is no formal date for when this will occur, but it is recommended to begin migrating as soon as possible, but legacy_tab_classes
can be used as a stop gap for the short term.
Option Deprecation in SuperFences
SuperFences has deprecated highlight_code
. This option now does nothing and will be removed in some future release. If this option was used, you will have to use custom fences to implement this behavior with your own custom formatter.
SuperFences Configurable Classes and IDs
Additional classes and IDs can now be injected into fenced code blocks with the format ```{.lang .more-class}
The attribute list feature also impacts the custom formatter. While the default formatters will still inject classes and IDs to the top level element to preserve backwards compatibility, the formatter now must accept the new keyword parameters classes
and id_value
. If you have a custom formatter that does not adhere to this new requirement, you will see a user warning.
The new format is:
def custom_formatter(source, language, css_class, options, md, classes=None, id_value='', **kwargs):
return string
While it is recommended for a user to update their custom formatters to receive the new parameters, at the very least, users should add **kwargs
to future proof their formatters.
CodeHilite Separation
SuperFences and InlineHilite no longer sync settings from CodeHilite. To configure either of the extensions, Pymdown Extension's Highlight extension must be used. CodeHilite can be run along side Highlight if desired, but CodeHilite cannot be used to augment SuperFences or InlineHilite's behavior.
Keys Alias Changes
Previously alt
, left-alt
, and right-alt
had aliases menu
, left-menu
, right-menu
, lmenu
, and rmenu
. These aliases have been removed. menu
will now be an alias for context-menu
It is known that Alt has been referred to as Menu in the real world, but so is the actual Menu/Apps key. This will hopefully create less confusion in the long term, even if there is a little in the short term.