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New in 10.12


The Caption extension allows for wrapping blocks in <figure> tags and inserting a <figcaption> tag with specified content.

import markdown
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['pymdownx.blocks.caption'])


Adding Captions

Caption is easy to use and simply requires the user to place a caption directly after a block that they'd like to wrap in a figure with a caption. Figures can have any content: images, tables, quotes, anything.

Adding Caption
Fruit      | Amount
---------- | ------
Apple      | 20
Peach      | 10
Banana     | 3
Watermelon | 1

/// caption
Fruit Count
Fruit Amount
Apple 20
Peach 10
Banana 3
Watermelon 1

Fruit Count

Nesting Captions

Captions can be nested, and if multiple captions are used on a single block, the block will be wrapped in multiple nested figures.

Nested Captions

/// caption
Inner caption

/// caption
Outer caption


Inner caption

Outer caption

If a caption is provided after a figure element that does not already contain a caption, the caption will be inserted into that figure. This allows for more complex figures with sub-figures.

Complex Captions
//// html | figure

/// caption
Caption 1


/// caption
Caption 2

/// caption
    attrs: {class: "general"}
General caption

figure.general > figcaption {
    font-weight: bold;


Caption 1


Caption 2

General caption

This can be used with Python Markdown's md_in_html extension as well, but keep in mind that figures specified in this way must include the markdown attribute or they will be invisible to the Caption extension. Further, if <figcaption> elements do not have the markdown attribute, Caption will not know a figure already has a caption.

Complex Captions: md_in_html
<figure markdown>

/// caption
Caption 1


/// caption
Caption 2

/// caption
    attrs: {class: "general"}
General caption

figure.general > figcaption {
    font-weight: bold;


Caption 1


Caption 2

General caption

Prepending Captions

Captions are appended by default, but can be configured to be prepended by default is desired. Simply set the global prepend option to True.

Prepend Caption
Fruit      | Amount
---------- | ------
Apple      | 20
Peach      | 10
Banana     | 3
Watermelon | 1

/// caption
Fruit Count

Fruit Count

Fruit Amount
Apple 20
Peach 10
Banana 3
Watermelon 1

Regardless of whether prepend is enabled or disabled globally, you can force prepend or append per block by specifying < or > in the header for prepending or appending respectively.

Manual Prepend/Append

/// caption | <
Caption 1


/// caption
Caption 2

Caption 1



Caption 2

Auto Prefix and IDs

Caption defines multiple caption types by default: a generic caption, figure-caption, and table-caption. By default figure-caption and table-caption are configured with prefix templates, and when used, the figure will have special prefixes added to the caption with auto incrementing numbers. Additionally, a corresponding ID will be assigned to the figure that wraps the content for linking.

Auto Prefix and IDs
graph TD
    A[Hard] -->|Text| B(Round)
    B --> C{Decision}
    C -->|One| D[Result 1]
    C -->|Two| E[Result 2]
/// figure-caption
Decision Diagram

Fruit      | Amount
---------- | ------
Apple      | 20
Peach      | 10
Banana     | 3
Watermelon | 1

/// table-caption
Fruit Count
graph TD
    A[Hard] -->|Text| B(Round)
    B --> C{Decision}
    C -->|One| D[Result 1]
    C -->|Two| E[Result 2]

Figure 1. Decision Diagram

Fruit Amount
Apple 20
Peach 10
Banana 3
Watermelon 1

Table 1. Fruit Count

Numbers are tracked separately for each caption type that specifies a prefix template. When a caption is nested under other figures, captions will have a dotted number corresponding with the nested level, e.g. 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.

If desired, auto prefixing of nested sub-levels can be restricted via auto_levels. When specifying a non-zero, positive number, auto-generated IDs and prefixes will be restricted to the specified nesting level. A nesting level of 1 only applies IDs and prefixes to the outermost figure of a given type where a nesting level of 2 will apply to the outermost figure plus one level of nested children of the same type.

Increase Nesting Depth


Requires auto to be set to True (the default).

To accommodate various needs, some more control over numbering is exposed. If a user would like to show sub-figure numbers but not have the figures directly nested under a parent figure, automatic numbers can be influenced by specifying a specific nesting depth in the header of the caption block. By specifying a number prefixed with ^, we can increase the numbering depth for that specific figure by the specified value relative to its current depth. Figures are still subject to the auto_levels limit.

Nesting Depth
/// figure-caption

/// figure-caption | ^1

/// figure-caption | ^1

/// figure-caption


Figure 2. Caption


Figure 2.1. Caption


Figure 2.2. Caption


Figure 3. Caption


Nesting depths can be used with per block prepend notation as long as < or > comes before the depth notation.

Manual Figure Numbers


It is recommended to use auto set to False, i.e. "manual mode", but can be used with when it is set to True with some limitations.

Captions allows for setting figures numbers for prefixes and IDs on the fly. This is mainly designed for use in "manual mode" (auto set to False). The idea was to provide a mode where the user has complete control of figure numbers if so desired. When in manual mode, the user will only get prefixes when specifying numbers in the header of figure types that specify a prefix template. Manual mode does not not check or validate these numbers beyond ensuring they are in fact numbers that are formatted properly.

Manual Numbers
/// figure-caption | 12


Figure 12. Caption


Manual numbers can be used with per block prepend notation as long as < or > comes before the number.

In "automatic mode" (the default) the number will be used if, and only if, the specified number is greater than the last figure number (automatic or otherwise) that was used for the specific figure type at the specific number depth. If, for any reason, this is not true, an automatic figure number at the specified number depth will be used instead. Essentially, the internal, automatic counter can be increased at any time, but can never be decreased.

As an example, if 1.1 is specified, but the last number for current figure type was 2, 2.1 will be used instead. If the number is much bigger, Caption will not care and accept it readily, but it may create a gap in numbering.

Additionally, manual numbers are subject to the auto_levels limit when in "automatic mode".

Static IDs

While automatic mode will generate IDs for prefixed captions, some may prefer an unchanging, static ID for linking. If you'd like to link to a figure with a static ID, you can specify one on any figure type (prefixed or non-prefixed) and the ID will be applied instead of any auto-generated ID. Manually specified IDs will not affect auto-incrementing numerical prefixes.


/// figure-caption
    attrs: {id: static-id}

IDs specified in this way will also override IDs generated in manual mode.

Configuring Figure Types

While Caption provides a few default figure types, users are free to define their own with different prefixes.

If a figure type is defined with no prefix, that type will never have IDs or prefixes generated for it. The default generic caption type is an example of a non-prefix caption type.

Users can override the default types with their own via the types option. types is defined as a list of types which can either be a single string specifying the name of the caption type (with no prefix), or a dictionary object that specifies, the name and prefix template for the caption prefix. An empty string for the prefix is the same as no prefix being specified. {} must be specified for non-empty templates and is used to insert the auto-generated numerical number of the figure.

extenconfigs = {
    "pymdownx.blocks.caption": {
        "types": [
                'name': 'figure-caption',
                'prefix': 'Figure {}.'
                'name': 'table-caption',
                'prefix': 'Table {}.'

If desired, you can also specify optional classes to be added to a specific figure type via the classes option.

extenconfigs = {
    "pymdownx.blocks.caption": {
        "types": [
                'name': 'figure-caption',
                'prefix': 'Figure {}.'
                'classes': 'one-class two-class'
                'name': 'table-caption',
                'prefix': 'Table {}.'

Global Options

Options Type Descriptions
types list A list of figure types. Figure types must specify a name and can specify an optional prefix template where {} is where the figure number will be inserted.
prepend boolean Prepend captions opposed appending captions to figures. Disabled by default.
auto boolean Auto add IDs to all figure types that include prefix templates. Enabled by default.
auto_level integer Limit auto prefixing to a certain depth. Default is 0 which disables limiting.

Per Block Options

Options Type Descriptions
attrs dictionary A string that defines attributes for the outer, wrapper element.