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SaneHeaders is an extension that alters the default hashed headers extension to require headers to have spaces after the hashes (#) in order to be recognized as headers. This allows for other extension syntaxes to use # in their syntaxes as long as no spaces follow the # at the beginning of a line. For instance, MagicLink's issue syntax issue syntax uses hashes followed by numbers (#998) to represent issue links. There may be extensions that use names after hashes to provide tags (#tag). With SaneHeaders, these syntaxes can coexist. Those familiar with CommonMark may recognize this behavior.

import markdown
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['pymdownx.saneheaders'])


The syntax when using SaneHeaders is exactly like Python Markdown's default logic with the only exception being that SaneHeaders will not treat hashes at the beginning of a line as a header if they do not have space after them.

In Python Markdown, both of these are treated as headers:

## Header

##Also a Header

With SaneHeaders, only the first is a header:

## Header

##Not a Header