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Frequently Asked Questions

Function References in YAML

How do I specify function references in YAML if I am using a module like MkDocs?

Pymdown Extensions has a number of extensions that expose customization via options that take function references. If you are using a project like MkDocs, which allows a user to configure Python Markdown extensions via YAML, specifying function references may not be intuitive.

Keep in mind that the following examples specifically reference YAML configurations that are implemented via PyYAML and are configured to allow Python objects.

When specifying a function reference in PyYAML, you must prepend the function with !!python/name:. If you are trying to configure a function with parameters – like we require with slugs.slugify or arithmatex's custom fences for SuperFences – then you must use !!python/object/apply:. For instance, to specify Python Markdown's Toc extension to use one of PyMdown Extensions' slugs in MkDocs, we will use the format so we can specify key word arguments.

  - markdown.extensions.toc:
      slugify: !!python/object/apply:pymdownx.slugs.slugify {kwds: {case: lower}}
      permalink: "\ue157"

If no parameters are needed, !!python/object/apply: still require {} at the end.

  - markdown.extensions.toc:
      slugify: !!python/object/apply:pymdownx.slugs.slugify {}
      permalink: "\ue157"

To specify a particular emoji generator in the Emoji extension, this requires just a simple function reference using !!python/name:. These take no parameters and do not require {} at the end.

  - pymdownx.emoji:
      emoji_generator: !!python/name:pymdownx.emoji.to_png

GitHub-ish Configurations

How do I get GitHub Flavored Markdown?

A recommended GitHub configuration is provided below to emulate a setup that gives a GitHub feel.

For GitHub issue, commit, pull request, and mention shorthand syntax, you will also need to specify a provider, user and repo in MagicLink's options below. This gives relative context for shorthand links (like #1) so that links can properly be generated. In the example below, we will use facelessuser and pymdown-extensions as the user and repository respectively. See MagicLink for more details.


If you are attempting to configure these options in a YAML based configuration (like in MkDocs), please see the related FAQ question to see how to specify function references in YAML.

from pymdownx import emoji

extensions = [

extension_configs = {
    "pymdownx.magiclink": {
        "repo_url_shortener": True,
        "repo_url_shorthand": True,
        "provider": "github",
        "user": "facelessuser",
        "repo": "pymdown-extensions"
    "pymdownx.tilde": {
        "subscript": False
    "pymdownx.emoji": {
        "emoji_index": emoji.gemoji,
        "emoji_generator": emoji.to_png,
        "alt": "short",
        "options": {
            "attributes": {
                "align": "absmiddle",
                "height": "20px",
                "width": "20px"
            "image_path": "",
            "non_standard_image_path": ""

Mermaid Diagrams

The short answer is to use SuperFences' custom fence feature. We provide a basic example using SuperFences, but in order to get a really solid Mermaid experience, we actually go a bit further in our documents. While we don't often have time to answer everyone's questions regarding Mermaid, we have provided some fairly extensive notes on how we achieved Mermaid diagrams in this documents. Check out the notes here.

Arithmatex Generic Mode Not Working in MkDocs

This question comes up every now and as there are a number of people that like to use Arithmatex in the MkDocs environment. For whatever reason, people often gravitate towards the "generic" mode over the "default" mode. And inevitably, we'll get an issue regarding why math rendering isn't working with Arithmatex in MkDocs.

If you are affected by this issue, the first question you should ask yourself is whether you are using the mkdocs-minify-plugin. If you are using this plugin, you must either discontinue using it (which is not usually the desired approach) or use Arithmatex's "default" mode and MathJax configuration as outlined in its documentation.